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sonaa on Sep 27, 2010:

The fall wasn't so popular because it didn't have huge stars in it and Tarsem wouldn't compromise his vision. So it didn't get a lot of commercials and hype. ^^ I love the movie <3

eeeee getting ever closer to walking dead!

sonaa on Sep 22, 2010:

here's the trailer to the fall if you haven't seen it yet : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1YwOybwTrc&feature=related

Really beautiful movie and genuine. Tarsem really puts so much of himself into this movie. He went to 26 different countries to film and took 7 years to find the right little girl to play the part.. and then that girl had to be taught English! XD Hopefully you can appreciate his artistry!!!

I LOVE 28 days later. Are you excited there's an actual zombie tv show??? It's gonna be on Halloween!! It's called " The Walking Dead." Totally looks awesome!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg46DWI_fCE

Thanks for swapping with me!!!

trophywife on Sep 19, 2010:

OMG! Your profile is packed and was super awesome to look through. There is so much that I am going to Google when I get a chance. I also can't wait to look through the web-sites you have listed. I briefly looked at your blog. The onion rings look amazing!! I love photography although I am just getting started doing it seriously and I kind of stink! I need much practice! My camera is a little out of my league lol. I can't wait to look up some of the photographers that you have listed! I love to eat and am a big girl and could appreciate a lot of what you said about big girls. Forget those that say it isn't cool! I love almost all of the TV that you mentioned. I had forgotten all about Unsolved Mysteries and Tales From the Crypt...I loved those back in the day! It's been great looking over your profile and getting to know you a little. Happy Swapping :)

Krystle (Read and Comment on Profile)

LADYHIGHTOWER on Sep 17, 2010:

A pizza tatoo? Now that is dedication! I, too, like Ellen Degeneres Show. She is hilarious! But I'm so glad she quit American Idol. She is just too caring to criticize those contestants like the production company wants! What are cranberry beans? Never heard of that before. And you're right! People taking my food drives me 'round the bend! And people staring at fat people in a restaurant! Talk about rude! I love all your quotes! good addition to a profile. Also, I never thought of adding Favorite Photographers! Great idea! We connect on the love of Ghost Adventures, too! What does "Tawn" stand for? I've really enjoyed reading your profile! Hope all is well in your world! Blessings! LADYHIGHTOWER Read and Comment on Profile Swap

scrappintwins on Sep 17, 2010:

Hey Geraldine, This is for the Read and comment swap. I'm so glad I got you!! Your profile is awesome and I really needed a giggle this morning! We would so get along!! My husband is a tattoo artist so I'm totally with you on the meaningless tattoos. People want some stupid crap!! lol I also hate when people have all these random tatoos scattered all over the place that don't go together at. I'd love to see the pizza tattoo you have. That's just great!

I'm so going to have to borrow some of your quotes for my journal pages! They're great! My fovorite is "I'm not a heathen, I'm a sinner!" Now that makes for a great journal!!

We like alot of the same movies/directors. m.night shyamalan is my all time favorite. I love the last 5 minutes in his moveis where you get this giant apiffany of, oh yeah, that's why all that crap happened the way it did lol. I love to be surprised!!

I'm a huge fan of food myself lol. I've tried to loose weight and have some then just kinda say, screw it, you only live one. I'd like to die with a cupcake in my mouth lol... I also hate when people take my food lol. Especially right off my plate while I'm trying to eat it! GRRRR Many have almost lost a finger or two over that crap!

Oh and I have boy/girl twins so you being a twin is super awesome in my book!!

But anyhoo, again, I'm so glad I got you as a partner! You're profile is so well filled out, and seems very personal and honest. I hope we meet again in the swap world!!

HUGS, Christy (scrappintwins)

Bluedaisy1 on Sep 17, 2010:

Hi Geraldine,

Helen (bluedaisy1) If I had a brain I would be dangerous. I forgot to mention that my comment was from the Read and comment swap, I am sure you would have gotten that but thought it best to clarify just in case you were wondering who I was and why I was leaving a comment... all the best Helen :)

Anneliese25 on Sep 17, 2010:

Hi tawn, I'm stopping over from the Read and Comment Swap.

I have to admit that yours is the first one I've read so far, but somehow I doubt I will see another so complete and detailed :) It's great. You're a swap partner's dream. Of course I couldn't miss the comment about recieving ones. I've been where you were a couple of years ago on another site. Everybody deserves a second chance, and I admire your willingness to openly admit your mistakes and affirm a change.

I've never met anybody who shared my opinion that some things can just be TOO kawaii. And pink. The combination of both is almost too much for the eyes and brain to handle.

Meaningless tattoos drive me up the wall, but I don't have any tattoos and one day might employ those tattoo sleeves, just to see how it feels. A test run, if you will :) Just saying.

On a final note, my favorite section out of everything is your quote section. I love how a lot of them are music based. I can't live without music either. I write by it, walk by it, shop by it. It's mood music and my own personal soundtrack. It's a form of poetry and there are thousands that are quote worthy (not pop. Dear God no. Most of the time...)

Thank you for taking the time to write your profile. I hope we get partnered again in the future!

Bluedaisy1 on Sep 17, 2010:

Hi Geraldine,

I read your profile and was giggling like a loon, we like and dislike quite a few of the same things.

I have so many shoes it is not funny but I don't own one single yellow pair... but I have half a dozen pairs of Doc Martens, shameless you might say at my age but what the heck. (I'm 50) I also love food and the saying, " you touch my food feel my fork") Springs to mind for those foolish people that try and help themselves without asking, I hate to part with food even if they do ask lol.

I absolutely love the Shameless series too, my friend Aileen and I get together regularly to have a girlie night in with wine, a decent home made curry (made by her, I am a terrible cook but I bring the wine :) ) and chocolate, and sit there laughing our heads off in disbelief at their antics. We have two of the box sets too so when we are waiting for the new series to come out we also re-watch those.

You mentioned big Hamsters lol we are now down to only two Hamsters as the others have died of old age, but my son had 20 at one stage and they all had their own designer cages, the funkier the better. He also has two guinea pigs. He wants to be a Vet and so has just started a college course to set him on his path.

I hope you have a great time swapping on swap-bot again, and that people cut you some slack, we all have things that happen in our lives that take precedence and sometimes put other things out of our minds, so good luck with that. It has been lovely reading your profile and starting off my day with a chuckle. What more could one ask for.

It is great that you have your twin sister to hang out with and chat to. I have two sisters living near me and I get to see one a lot more than the other, but we always have a laugh when we get together. I am going off to South Africa at the beginning of October to stay with my sister out there for three weeks, so I can't wait. I am already wondering if the African shoes and bags will be much different in style to hear lol and wondering how I can smuggle them back into the house and into my stash without being caught out.... Any tips give me a shout.

Have a great day, Helen (bluedaisy1)

mutiny on Apr 8, 2009:

Hey! There are some new Glytter Kytten swaps up now - hope you can join us! mutiny :)


marilavado on Mar 9, 2009:

Please check the new Foundation 42 swap, the first in our new series!

Foundation 42 ATC series - Star Wars

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