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Page 7 of voodooninja's Comments

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MsAzadi on Jan 20, 2009:

I don't see a link to your Flickr. ???

cobaltgypsy on Jan 6, 2009:

go here

NaughtyElf on Jan 6, 2009:

I know I joined up! How fun! I made one up too...The Heart of Darkness... check it out if ya want!

Banshee on Jan 5, 2009:

thanks for the invite. I´m in! ;)

NaughtyElf on Jan 3, 2009:

Thanks so much, he'll get stuff filled out and his next days off are Mon-Wed, I'll have him get in touch with you then! Thanks for being so awesome!

NaughtyElf on Jan 3, 2009:

No, he hasn't swapped yet, we are still getting his profile a bit more filled out so he can get into some newbie swaps soon. But when he has a few completed I will send him your way, because don't you have to have so many swaps to join a group? Anway, thanks for getting back to me, til next time...

NaughtyElf on Jan 3, 2009:

Your profile rocks! I was showing my fiancee who recently signed up that there are some awesome guys to swap with as well. Happy New Year!

hoosiergirl on Jan 1, 2009:

Youre invited to join my I love my Garden Gnome Swap http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/27812. Hope to see you there!

hoosiergirl Vicki

cobaltgypsy on Dec 31, 2008:

Wishing you peace, love, health, protection and happiness in 2009.

blessings, Gypsy

CrayonMom on Dec 22, 2008:

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