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Page 8 of voodooninja's Comments

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4getmenot71 on Nov 26, 2008:


voodooninja on Nov 11, 2008:

Brother @Jib916 has started The Revolution's very first swap here.

I am encouraging everyone to support the cause and sign up!

Long live The Revolution!

cobaltgypsy on Nov 3, 2008:

I just created a new Fallen Angels swap here The send by date isn't until next year, so please take a look. blessings, Gypsy

cobaltgypsy on Oct 31, 2008:

nolagirl on Oct 31, 2008:

4getmenot71 on Oct 30, 2008:

A package is on its way to you and Traci! Sorry it's late. :/

4getmenot71 on Oct 28, 2008:


agonysdecay on Oct 21, 2008:

Chris! Thanks so much for angelling me for the Native American ATC and the Swapbot name Swap!!! I love the poly clay you used to represent your name, its sooo you! He is also adorable!! I am also very happy to know that there are other people who feel the same as you about the Native Americans, your ATC speaks so many words, and I like the experimental aspect of the overlying plastic;) These are so RAD! Thanks so much again!!!

BastCrystal on Oct 17, 2008:

I signed up for the first complicated ATC swap. It really looks like fun! I know I am going to really enjoy it! :-)

Bucket on Oct 17, 2008:

Great idea for a group!

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