Thanks so much for your very generous tag of 2 rolls of washi - both very fun designs - which I promptly started using to decorate some envelopes! You're the best!
Thank you SO SO much for the great box of interesting destash items @basketworks15 I loved walking through the various things, and will definitely be using it, and discovering ways to use things I haven't worked with before :)
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Thank you for the Envie of Randomness! The tapes are lovely.
Thank you so much for the recipe cards and washi tape samples for my November CPG wishlist - they are much appreciated! ♥
For granting my AWG wishes!
THANK YOU @Basketworks15 for the CPG Nov Wishlist gift of washi rolls and lovely ink pad! Love it! (....and btw, your cat is super cute)
THANX & Blessings, cc
Thanks so much for your very generous tag of 2 rolls of washi - both very fun designs - which I promptly started using to decorate some envelopes! You're the best!
Thank you so much for vet visit postcard! It made my day :). It took 2 vet techs to hold Mr. Carter down in order to give him a rabies shot!
thanks for the nice birthday gift. Love the teal desk set!! So very thoughtful of you.♥♥
Thank you SO SO much for the great box of interesting destash items @basketworks15 I loved walking through the various things, and will definitely be using it, and discovering ways to use things I haven't worked with before :)