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Hi there!
I sent you a PM on 12/28. Did you finally ever receive your "Penpal Letter With Prompts - 2" from your partner? If not, I'd like to get this swap closed up, either with a resend or an angel. :)
Happy New Year to you, Steve, and all the fur babies! :-)
Are you feeling any better tonight?
Please get to feeling better soon.
Whatchya doing cutie-patootie? Working?
What's a tardis, please?
Hi♥ Love ya!
He-ey there! I'm one of your partners for the Profile decoration (Christmas trees) swap. I hope you have a good holiday season & like these images!
Page 2 of Pashanista's Comments
Back to Pashanista's profile
Hi there!
I sent you a PM on 12/28. Did you finally ever receive your "Penpal Letter With Prompts - 2" from your partner? If not, I'd like to get this swap closed up, either with a resend or an angel. :)
Happy New Year to you, Steve, and all the fur babies! :-)
Are you feeling any better tonight?
Please get to feeling better soon.
Whatchya doing cutie-patootie? Working?
What's a tardis, please?
Hi♥ Love ya!
He-ey there! I'm one of your partners for the Profile decoration (Christmas trees) swap. I hope you have a good holiday season & like these images!