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Page 8 of Saristotle's Comments

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Nandin on Mar 23, 2013:


Nandin on Mar 23, 2013:

Someone had "Rolls are not curves"... as their first pin. :-/

abbyaguas on Mar 17, 2013:

Dropping by to say Hello!

nsgrammy2012 on Mar 10, 2013:

Hi! Welcome to All Things Halloween! Drop in to our group forum and introduce yourself and watch for upcoming swaps!

VivaLaDiane on Jan 2, 2013:

If you need tips on the safety of certain areas, let me know. I will PM you my cell number just in case. I hope that you find a job in your field there. I work at Ameren Missouri and lucky for me, the commute is pretty sweet. I MetroLink it now and love that I can read for 25 minutes each way now. Yay for literacy :) Lol.

Love ya!! ♥

VivaLaDiane on Dec 26, 2012:

I hope that you and Lily had a great Christmas and will have a safe and awesome New Year. FYI - I'm moving to Belleville and if you ever want, I'd love to meet up. Just PM me if you want. Hope all is well!! Love ya Sarah! ♥

VivaLaDiane on Oct 29, 2012:

Just stopping by to let you know I was thinking of you. Love ya Sarah!! ♥

biasbabe on Sep 25, 2012:


From the SWMHC

TC on Aug 16, 2012:

Sent you an email with a photo of the page I did for the journal page swap for @bobogrl . :)

lilspotteddog on Aug 13, 2012:

Thank you so much for the cool PC you sent to me for @bobogrl 's WTA fundraiser. I like the skulls!

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