Welcome to the APDG ~ Group!
I just posted a BAOBAB Tree themed swap ;-)
They are beautiful! It will be a fun pic swap too.
You may host some group swaps now too if you please!
ENJOY the Group!
Blessings, cc
Those dolls you've made are AWESOME!!!
I especially love the one with the X'd out eyes in the middle of the 5 and
The 2 in the picture together above your music section, if you made those.
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Wonderful lil art doll thank you she's a gem!
Welcome to the APDG ~ Group!

I just posted a BAOBAB Tree themed swap ;-)
They are beautiful! It will be a fun pic swap too.
You may host some group swaps now too if you please!
ENJOY the Group!
Blessings, cc
That's about how I feel right now...I need a nap! :) Thank you for the cute comment. :)
I stumbled upon your profile and those dolls are AMAZING!! You are so gifted!!!
Happy holiday wishes! In the New Year, may you be blessed with laughter, peace, and love.
Those dolls you've made are AWESOME!!! I especially love the one with the X'd out eyes in the middle of the 5 and The 2 in the picture together above your music section, if you made those.
So pissed that I missed out on the swaps you're hosting. They seem like lots of fun. I was ill for a while and missed them. :(