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Darkestlina on Jan 2, 2013:

Hi there you don't know me but I saw you on the write it out group. And I think it is awesome you are into slash! I don't write it but I do read it. Mine are mostly tv show pairings. But yeah just wanted to say hello.

fawnscrafts on Nov 7, 2012:

I have to say this, you have come a long way in the past few months. I would now allow you in my swaps. I know a few months ago, I would not and it hurt you, because you were trying.

I think as I read your profile you understand now why a host has to protect her swappers. You have shown yourself to be a responsible swapper, and that is a real refreshing read, So many swappers that mess up, blame the rater and not themselves.

Your honesty is awesome and your attempts to bring yourself up to date and making sure your swaps are sent is even better. I have been flaked on by four people in the past three months, and that is one reason I am so very careful when I host. You have had life bite you hard and instead of blaming your partners you have faced what you needed to do, despite the hard bit.

I applaud you for that.

Now for the funny part. The quote is one I found the other day for a postcard swap and I think it is cute and quirky. Read carefully but quickly .

“Tomorrow's Yesterday Is Today, 'n Yesterday's Tomorrow Is Also Today... But Today's Yesterday Was Yesterday's Today, So...Tomorrow's Today Is Today's Tomorrow.. !” Author unknown.

Shanna1717 on Nov 2, 2012:

Hi from the Comment & Quote Swap! Quote: Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way'. ~Native American Saying


We have some things in common! I love periwinkle too! I am also an avid writer! It is nice to meet you!

sweetsugartree on Oct 31, 2012:

Hi, Cynaemon! I'm Wilma/SweetSugarTree, your hostess and partner in the Comment & Quote Swap. Thanks for joining :)

I am so impressed and jealous at your skills...I have always wanted to sew and crochet! My mom tried to teach me and I kinda caught on to crocheting but I've lost it now and I've never been able to do more than a so-so hem...I so wish I could sew my own clothes!

Let me know if you want to do a quick profile or pc swap to help get your ratings up :)

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion." ~Henry David Thoreau

Happy Halloween!

willowsmarika on Oct 31, 2012:

Hello Nathalie, I'm one of your partners for the 'Comment & Quote' swap. It's nice meeting you, I loved reading your profile & getting to know you a little :) I love that the first thing on your profile is that you love slash fanfic. I love it too, sometimes it's all I read. Fandom is a bad influence. I had to google periwinkle, I had no idea what color it was. But it's a nice one, purple is my favorite too :)

And here's one of my favorite quotes, I hope you like it :)

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music"

~ Friedrich Nietszche

rguldy on Oct 31, 2012:

Find blessings in the people around you, because they're the ones that support your life. Mehmet Oz

Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, what you can accomplish. Cecile Springer

Comment & Quote from rguldy

Artstamper on Mar 5, 2012:

Thank you for tangling my string. Sorry I can't give you a heart for it.

earthnk on Feb 2, 2012:

Hey Fellow So Cal'r :-)
I just read your profile and believe it or not we share something. I was rear ended by a mack truck while I was at at a stoplight behind 10 other cars. The guy never even hit his brakes. Broke my gearbox, bent the frame totally wrecking my brand new 3 week old car. I dunno why but it took me ages to not break out in a sweat while driving whenever a big truck eased up behind me. Glad to read you are safe and mending. If you're in the LA area hit me up, I'll buy you a cup o joe!


sagesparrow on Jan 11, 2012:

Hi Natalie, just stopping by to wish you a very good 2012! hugs, D

Sauterelle on Dec 14, 2011:

I like the new name. Merry Christmas!

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