Fives ratings for Ehdeedee
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Response: Thank you for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for the ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked it ❤️
Response: Thank you! Glad you're safe
Response: You're welcome💕
Response: I'm so glad you got it!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed the stickers! I had fun putting it together 😊
Response: Thank you for the ♥️😊
Response: They are lovely aren't they? Thank you for the ♥️
Response: You're most welcome! Thank you for the ♥️
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: I live near Banff, Canada, and they shut the park trails down for a bit, but they didn't close the waterways. It's been a great summer with lots of hikes still and canoeing. :)