Back to 1leemeadows's profile
Welcome to Safe Swappin'! There is a swap that closes tonight at midnight, so please join, if you'd like! It's called "Introduce Ya'self" and it's perfect for you!
…to the Nuts for Sewing Group!
Lee -Bless your heart....You are the sweetest! Thank you so much for the surprise in my mailbox! I love it! = )
Welcome to swapbot 1leemeadows.
May all your ratings be 5s and your profile full of hearts. May the flakers never find you, and the grouchies never get you. Swap on!.
Page 10 of 1leemeadows's Comments
Back to 1leemeadows's profile
Welcome to Safe Swappin'! There is a swap that closes tonight at midnight, so please join, if you'd like! It's called "Introduce Ya'self" and it's perfect for you!
…to the Nuts for Sewing Group!
Lee -Bless your heart....You are the sweetest! Thank you so much for the surprise in my mailbox! I love it! = )
Welcome to swapbot 1leemeadows.
May all your ratings be 5s and your profile full of hearts. May the flakers never find you, and the grouchies never get you. Swap on!.