I try not to, but sometimes it happens. I didn't mention it in that thread because I would have had to rack my brain to think of everyone, but you definitely have always kept this site safe as well. The flakers and their sympathizers LOVE to critisize but mention nothing of the safer we are because of the SB Detectives. I know you're a huge part of that, and I'm grateful for that and for being able to count you amongst my friends. Hugs.
I dont know you but i have great respect for you and what you try to do for all of those of us on the bot and I hope you will hang around and not leave over the crap on that report
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Dropping by to say Hi!
I try not to, but sometimes it happens. I didn't mention it in that thread because I would have had to rack my brain to think of everyone, but you definitely have always kept this site safe as well. The flakers and their sympathizers LOVE to critisize but mention nothing of the safer we are because of the SB Detectives. I know you're a huge part of that, and I'm grateful for that and for being able to count you amongst my friends. Hugs.
Howdilly doodely!
I dont know you but i have great respect for you and what you try to do for all of those of us on the bot and I hope you will hang around and not leave over the crap on that report
My husband proudly wears a t-shirt in the Summer that says "Don't Mess With Texas". I do adore him!
Thank you for your support to get my unfair 1 taken down. Also folks like you are what makes swap-bot my favorite place on the net!
Happy to see you are still here Dos, I agree w/the sentiments that have been spoken before me, Swap-bot is a better place w/you Sister.
Yay! Really glad that you're staying. :)
Glad to see that you didn't let some _______fill with fav epithet, drive you away!