When you decide to come back on, please send out your postcard for not your state postcard swap, even though I have angeled it, and even though you may not have been rated on it, people should know you did not send it.
Hi Angela, thank you so much for sending back the PC for penpals with a pc twist 2, it was great to read your nice message (o: Have a lovely weekend, Jane
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When you decide to come back on, please send out your postcard for not your state postcard swap, even though I have angeled it, and even though you may not have been rated on it, people should know you did not send it.
Hi Angela, thank you so much for sending back the PC for penpals with a pc twist 2, it was great to read your nice message (o: Have a lovely weekend, Jane
ANGIEH GOT FIVES! She's all growed up.