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Page 6 of renderedarchaic's Comments

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anrtist on May 21, 2013:

HI! I just sent you an invite to the LLL, LOCATION GROUP! I Hope you enjoy seeing who is swapbotting in your area! ;-)

PukeFacedFreak on May 18, 2013:

I received some cute little memo papers in the mail today for the Bingo consolation prize and have already lost the envelope (not the memos, no worry) but was pretty sure it was you who sent them and wanted to come say thank you.

xxkarenlxx on May 12, 2013:

Hi Anna, I hope you're having the best weekend ever!

xxkarenlxx on May 2, 2013:

Thank you for the fabulous envelope of goodies for my April CPG wishlist. Everything you sent is wonderful and useful to me. It was truly a happy mail day. :)

bizzles on Apr 30, 2013:

You are very welcome for the KSU April WTA mini memo pad! I am super excited to see what you are going to do for the May WTA!!! xoxo

drgngirl on Apr 30, 2013:

Thank you so much for the CPG April WTA! I really like the vintage images you sent. They are lovely.

starrycat on Apr 26, 2013:

You are so welcome! Grats on winning the wta!

JemStone on Apr 26, 2013:

You're so very welcome. Even though I am quite jealous you won. Haha. I have that mini memo pad myself. I just love it.

aviahz on Apr 22, 2013:

I am so glad you liked the memo pad!!! I'm glad to start off your chocolate Rillakuma collection!

moonlightlaura on Apr 22, 2013:

You are so welcome!!! Glad you liked the WTA memo pad I sent! I bought 2 when I ordered and when I saw you won and it said on your profile you liked doughnut themes I thought to myself, I picked a good one to buy 2 of...LOL

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