So happy to see you back here! But sad to read about why you have been away... Are you done with Rudy's quilt yet? LOL Anyway, I have just applied to join some Swap-Bot quilting groups - maybe we will run into each other there. And you always have my cell number for texting! :)
Stumbled upon your profile. I just wanted to say you are a STRONG woman and CONGRATS for having the courage to do what you had to do. Feel free to drop me a line anytime! - Tracy
I LOOOOOOVE snopes!! I get so sick of the "forward this to everyone you know" via email and NOW via facebook.. it's amazing to me the number of people that will blindly foward and BELIEVE that nonsense. or believe that everything they read on the internet and tv is true without doing fact checking.. I didn't want to derail the thread further so thought I would post to your wall :)
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So happy to see you back here! But sad to read about why you have been away... Are you done with Rudy's quilt yet? LOL Anyway, I have just applied to join some Swap-Bot quilting groups - maybe we will run into each other there. And you always have my cell number for texting! :)
Stumbled upon your profile. I just wanted to say you are a STRONG woman and CONGRATS for having the courage to do what you had to do. Feel free to drop me a line anytime! - Tracy
We love that little quilt! Violet plays with it all of the time. Everybody that sees it comments on how cute it is. Big hugs to you too :)
Pass that beer on over here, sister. It's going to be a long year...
I LOOOOOOVE snopes!! I get so sick of the "forward this to everyone you know" via email and NOW via facebook.. it's amazing to me the number of people that will blindly foward and BELIEVE that nonsense. or believe that everything they read on the internet and tv is true without doing fact checking.. I didn't want to derail the thread further so thought I would post to your wall :)
Just stopped by to say hi :)