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Response: Really weird you haven't received the package yet, I have sent it out ages ago :( And I meant the Dutch holidays and recently all official post offices are no longer in use and are replaced by post offices run by supermarket staff who don't always know what they're doing. I have already had several packages, mail and business orders which are not delivered yet even though I have shipped them out weeks ago. But I guess lots of Dutch online shops have this problem and we're trying the best we can...though we can't really help what is going on :(
Response: So glad you like it! And above all thanks a million for letting me resend this swap :)
Response: You don't know how difficult it was for me to send out a Hello Kitty bag, hehe! Glad you like it all and thanks for the great rating! ^-^
Response: Me I wish that card really worked :P
Response: Thanks for still rating me a five...really sweet ^-^ Hope you enjoyed the cupcake goodies ^-^
Response: Not a problem at all...I'm just glad they arrived and that you like them ^-^
Response: Thank god it made it in time even though it took a looooong time ^-^
Have great and exciting trip to Cambodia...and say hi to Ben from me ^-^
Response: Hi! ^-^
Bummer you rated me with a 3...I absolutely thought I had send you a message before about sending out this swap a bit later due to some personal problems and the fact that the package somehow landed in the hands of mny neigbour without me knowing it...
Anyway, I hoped you liked the surprise swap and at least it got to your home safely ^-^
Response: Glad you like them...and hopefully they made it to you in one piece instead of two bags of crumbles :P
Response: He he! ^-^ I must admit I had a hard time keeping my own crazy kitten away from all those treats...and the wrapping :P
Response: You're welcome...glad you liked it ^-^
And thanks for your kind words, what happened on Queensday is indescribably horrible and has ruined a day us Dutchies consider valuable as our royal family wants to be under her people on occasions like this. I just can't believe someone would deliberately harm other people and I think it will take years before Queensday will be the same again...But thanks again for your thoughts, really sweet ^-^
Response: Glad it made it to Ireland that quickly...and of course so very glad you like the bento items ^-^ Hey, and as soon as you start bentoing (is that even a word? If not, it hereby is :P) I'd love to see some pictures ^-^
Have a nice day! xxNaomi
Response: We rock indeed! :P
Glad you like the kitty cats and I'm sure we'll meet again on swap-bot ^-^
Response: I don't :P
Just kidding, really the best part of Ikea furniture is the fact that you can actually use the vacuum cleaner on most of them ^-^
So at our place vacuum cleaning the house includes the couch, hehe! Also lint rolling would be a bad idea as our cat loves moving things :P Have a nice day!
Response: Hello!
Whoops...did you not get my email I sent you earlier this day? Maybe it's just my computer who fails to send every now and then...but I thought I had already explained it to you.. :(
Just for the record hoping I can spare myself bad ratings, but as far as I was concerned the owlie had already reached your's just that the Dutch mail delivery system between America and Holland is more than often quite slow and seems to feed solely on my outgoing post to the States lately :S I have had several other complaints about non delivered parcels before...but in the end they always turn up :)
Hope this explains it all and have a nice day!
greetings, Naomi (Noni82)
Response: Happy to hear the card made it sfaley to your home :)
And funny to hear your father was born in Holland...just out of curiosity, in which city if I may ask?
Response: Glad you like it! ^-^ The pen and pencils are from a Dutch houseware store chain named HEMA which always works with young designers fixed on the latest trends...I absolutely love shopping there because they do have the cutest things :)
I made the wool bit myself indeed...but it's my job really, so it's not a very big accomplishment :P
Enjoy the cactus tea!