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Profile deco: profile based <333
Hope you have a great day! Happy Swapping
☀ Rainbow animals profile decorations ☀
Rainbow animals profile decorations
Hello Daisy,
This is Farah Angelina from Indonesia. Unfortunately, I will be the first to vandalize your "wall". So I hope you like these pictures I have chosen.
I was looking at your windmills and imagining what the cows are like. Perhaps they look like this when we are not looking. Hehe.
Happy swapping,
Farah Angelina
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profile deco: profile based <333
profile deco: profile based <333
Profile deco: profile based <333
Hope you have a great day! Happy Swapping
☀ Rainbow animals profile decorations ☀
Rainbow animals profile decorations
Hello Daisy,
This is Farah Angelina from Indonesia. Unfortunately, I will be the first to vandalize your "wall". So I hope you like these pictures I have chosen.
I was looking at your windmills and imagining what the cows are like. Perhaps they look like this when we are not looking. Hehe.
Happy swapping,
Farah Angelina