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"She...can talk brilliantly upon any subject, provided that she knows nothing about it." ~Oscar Wilde
you are a wise woman. =)
Ooohhh, I like that. I think I might use that IRL now! And it fits SB so well too sometimes!
I sometimes feel like it's Groundhogs Day around here. :/
ahhh i like that one.. and quite fitting on the 'bot if you ask me :)
Thanks sugar. Sweet and little I'll take but angel? ??? Nahhhhhhhhhhh. :) Love ya.
Random quote for the day:
"If I were the cream in that woman's coffee, I'd curdle." ~Kathleen Howard
here's one for you: *"One who puncheth an asshat in the tit or pisseth in their handbag, doeth a good thing. Well maybe not good, but it's funny as hell."~Con-roo-scious
Page 9 of DosLittleMonkeys's Comments
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"She...can talk brilliantly upon any subject, provided that she knows nothing about it." ~Oscar Wilde
you are a wise woman. =)
Ooohhh, I like that. I think I might use that IRL now! And it fits SB so well too sometimes!
I sometimes feel like it's Groundhogs Day around here. :/
ahhh i like that one.. and quite fitting on the 'bot if you ask me :)
Thanks sugar. Sweet and little I'll take but angel? ??? Nahhhhhhhhhhh. :) Love ya.
Random quote for the day:
"If I were the cream in that woman's coffee, I'd curdle." ~Kathleen Howard
here's one for you: *"One who puncheth an asshat in the tit or pisseth in their handbag, doeth a good thing. Well maybe not good, but it's funny as hell."~Con-roo-scious