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AynE on Aug 22, 2012:

and isn't it scary when all that happens on an island. Sorry you are going through it as well. As for the boxes to the landfill. Yup, there and doing that.

pippelotje on Aug 20, 2012:

:-) that made my day (and it's just begun so what a beginning!) THANKS!!! xxxx

TC on Aug 17, 2012:

August 18 is Bad Poetry Day. Enjoy. :)

TC on Aug 13, 2012:

No, nothing ever arrived. I just assumed you hadn't sent it due to traveling. :(

TC on Jul 3, 2012:

AngieTheArtist on Jun 15, 2012:

Just stopping by to show you some love!

AynE on Jun 8, 2012:

Well at least I didn't put up screen shots of the contractor's bill and my MRI results. I just want potential swap hostesses to know that it was a series of events that earned me my 1 and not because I am some flaky bowl of granola d-bag. And as to Fortunately/Unfortunately, I lived it, Paula and Pauline have nothing on me, except I was never worshipped by sewage dwelling trogdylites and I rescued as many of the spiders as I could. Yes, it is good to be back.

TC on May 28, 2012:

Jenark on May 25, 2012:

It's been a couple years, but you commented on my wall asking if we are in Guam... we aren't. We came back stateside (from England) so my husband could cross train. My daughter and I stayed with my parents in Houston while he was off in tech school. While there our daughter had hip reconstructive surgery because of hip dysplasia. We had to have our orders cancelled so she could stay near her surgeon. Our household goods made it to Guam, but we never did. =)

cherrybombgirl on May 11, 2012:

So good I had to put it on my profile!

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