Swap-bot Time: July 27, 2024 5:58 am


Date Joined: January 27, 2022
Last Online: July 27, 2024
Birthday: August 29, 1987
Country: United States
Etsy Wishlist - $5 or less
Etsy Wishlist - $5 to $10
My Amazon Wishlist


July 25, 2024: Sorry my behavior with messaging and hosting has been a bit erratic. I have been heavily fatigued on and off. This is due to a mystery disease that I call "wowza that sure is a lot of adverse life events at once." I am personally doing ok, just a bit worn down, so please do not worry! If I was genuinely not ok, I would not be logging into this website at all. I would be dying in bed instead of simply languishing in one like a sick Victorian child.

Anyway, did you know that I now collect unmounted and cling foam mounted rubber stamps? I do and I guess I'll take stamped images of things I like as extras now, now that I actually understand what people are talking about and why they'd want them.



It seems a shame to have to sneak to get to the truth. To make the truth such a dirty old nasty thing. You gotta sneak to get to the truth, the truth is condemned.




May 4, 2024: After a year of hiatus, I'm baaaack!

March 16, 2023: We regret that you have waited so long. We are doing our best to answer your message. HausOfImps, Inc. provides monthly swaps to over 5 different Swap-Bot users. As a result, we do have busy periods. We are taking messages in the order in which they came.

Please have handy your Swap-Bot username and any recent mail we may have sent you. This information will help us serve you better.


My old account is benevolentghost -- I cannot access it and was hoping to merge it with this one, and have been attempting to do so for about a year. As such, this obnoxious section remains until further notice. In the past few years, I have gotten my mental health in check and gotten better at communication, so I'm excited to be swapping again. I have made up every outstanding swap with active users -- my cumulative rating is about 4.96, which is my basis for joining swaps. I have no idea who my alien partner was because I can't see without being in the account -- let me know if it was you.


NB, ☞, etc: I was graciously rated a 5 instead of a 3 for a swap I made up in March 2022. My rating of 4.96+ stands even had this swap been rated a 3.

Curious about why I bold key information?

arthur cockatrice astaroth

If you don't receive a swap of mine, please message me before downrating. I usually take photos and I'm happy to resend either way.

If I haven't rated you and you think I should have your swap, don't hesitate to message me. I don't find it rude.

Like easy and fun general swaps? Why not come over to Swapper's Paradise, grab yourself a drink, and pick up a swap or two in the swap shoppe? We'll never ask what's in your mailbox -- that's federal property, and that ain't our business! Our only business is providing good, clean swapping fun for YOU.

Please consider joining the group I run with @feverfawn if you live in the US!: Monsters, Myths, & Legends. It started as an ATC-only group, but we now host all types of swaps -- email, postcards, book and wishlist exchanges, assemblage, letter writing prompts, etc!


Greetings! My name is Lisa and I'm a 36-year-old woman living in Chicago. I try to keep my life pretty low-key and spend most of my time with my partner or my family. I like to read, craft, and send mail. I also like old Dateline episodes, bad Lifetime movies, and weird old Christian fraudster interviews and documentaries. I have taught ESL and adult basic education here and there, and I miss it dearly! Hopefully I can get back on track with something like that in the future. Doesn't seem likely any time soon, though. Or ever.

I am a Furby collector, a McLuhanite, a satirist, and the Original Rat Bastard (according to Gallup polls). I am an edgelord and I simply cannot pretend that this is not the case. I love philosophy**, comparative mythology, proboscideans, and avian dinosaurs. I spent an inordinate amount of time studying elephants and their counterparts in folklore. If I had a hall pass in my relationship , I'd only use it with Ötzi the ice mummy (revived) or Teddy Roosevelt (alive or dead on this one). I'm obsessed with fringe religious and political movements -- I seek to understand, and occasionally, to reflect back what I see. I like art and culture from all over the world. If I don't mention it, it's probably because I don't know much about it.

Meet the gang!


They are all precious to me and have very complex lives. Sunny (the baby) has gone to live with feverfawn, but The Family has also expanded.

I love to do writing swaps, especially ones that involve research, about shared "academic" interests. Also, about the paranormal and occult (personal experiences are good as well).

I do not send people unsolicited material related to my spiritual beliefs because that would actually be insane. It is a tenet of my religion to show respect for others unless provoked, which means that I do not bully, shame, attempt to convert, or go into spaces for other belief systems to try to make a point. I really don't care what other people do.

Thank you for reading and gettin' to know me!

93 93/93


Things that will make me smile, short list: mammoths, elephants, dinosaurs, penguins, marabou storks, cassowaries, Canadian geese, pigeons, anything related to non-Egyptian mummies, food-themed washi (recently got Moroccan themed!) and washi in general, sticker flakes, book recommendations (folklore collections especially), photos of anything, loose playing cards, stream of consciousness, memo sheets

Favorite colors: pastels, black, bright and tacky colors, maroon, goldenrod, teal, all shades of green

Favorite video games: arcade, Atari (esp Blueprint), all Nintendo systems, Mario franchise, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Final Fantasy. My favorite Pokemon are Volcanion, Mr. Rime, Darumaka and Galarian Darumaka, Gloom, Mr. Mime, Cofagrigus, Trevenant, Indeedee, and Regigigas

Other games: I collect Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Pokemon cards, & Metazoo

Edible items: I prefer not to receive food unless it's hard candy. I also like tea (all kinds), coffee, and drink packets. No restrictions or allergies, though if the packet is not in English, please tell me what it is!

ABC's of Me

A - arabesque, aliens, anatomy, architecture, angels, Anatolia, altered states of consciousness

B - beluga whales, Bigfoot, bright and tacky colors, body horror, Baphomet, banknotes, bringing Sabrina home

C - collage, cryptids, Charles Manson, capybaras, cultural stuff, crabs, cacti, conspiracy theories, ceremonial magick, cowboys, colobus monkeys, clowns & mimes (not intentionally scary ones)

D - daruma dolls, dinosaurs, demons, dreams

E - elephants, Erlik Khan, Ancient Egypt, esotericism

F - Furby, folklore, food (on washi and stickers), friendship bracelets, flowers

G - gnomes, guinea pigs, glitter or foil stickers, gods/goddesses, gargoyles, Great Lakes, ghosts, Gacy

H - history (important leaders, military, etc), Hindi, the Hodag

I - interesting facts, India (Dravidian architecture!)

J - jesters, Furby (jester edition), journaling

K - kawaii, Kirby, keychains

L - Lisa Frank, lobsters, lion dance

M - marabou storks, mastodons, mushrooms, mythology, Mega Man, maneki-neko, Mr. Rime, musth (not to be confused with musk), militaria, mosques (imagery)

N - Nintendo, Nibiru, New Age imagery, nazar beads

O - Oranguru, occultism

P - philosophy, Pokemon, penguins, pyramids, postcards, photos, pastels, Pennsylvania Dutch, psychedelica, paranormal, Paul Bunyan, early US presidents, pigeons, peacocks, propaganda, public transit

Q - quotes, Qabalah

R - religions/sites of worship, ruins, Russia/Russian, Regigigas, The Rough Riders

S - stickers in general, shoebills, storks, South & South East Asia, stamps (foreign), Sanrio, San-X, Satanic Panic, space/galaxy, skeletons, spiders, Studio Ghibli, Sufi-inspired art, swamps, Super Ghouls N Ghosts, Sumikko Gurashi

T - Turkey, Teddy Roosevelt, Tamagotchi, tourism postcards, Trevenant, Turkic mythology, trading cards, tarot, tea, true crime

U - urban photography, Urdu, UFOs, used books

V - volcanos, Volcanion, video games, Virgo (sun sign)

W - woolly mammoths, washi tape, writing systems, weird stuff

X -

Y - Yokai

Z - zeybek dance, zines, zodiac

Ultimate Wishlist: postcards or souvenirs from the La Brea Tar Pits & Museum, anything related to the Hodag, Furby-related anything, Pennsylvania Dutch folk art (imagery on postcards or playing cards, larger trades), Doreen Virtue angel cards, postcards or handmade art featuring serial killers, anything Teddy Roosevelt or Rough Riders, weird art/zines you've made, anything related to the Kansas City 3 "case" (the 3 Chiefs fans overdosing in a data scientist's backyard and the media spectacle accusing him of manufacturing designer drugs)

Normal wishlist: loose tarot or Oracle cards, loose Pokemon cards, depictions of demons, anything in Cyrillic, Devanagari, Arabic/Perso-Arabic (any language ok), washi samples, stickers, blank postcards related to any of my interests, damaged postage and CTOs, memo papers, stickers again (vintage, partial sheets, small stickers, flakes, imperfect stickers, I'll take all of it other than reward/little kid stickers -- I use some of the weirder stuff in art projects), handmade paper, ATC backings, used train/bus tickets, etc



religious items unless specified for swap, anything dirty, kiddie stickers or reward stickers, fabric/lace/ribbon scraps (just don't have a use for them). And I can't believe I have to say this, but please no items with mold or spores, and please make sure your hands are relatively clean when making or putting together mail.

I have an immature sense of humor, but I have no desire to receive anything "erotic" or sex-related in nature that is intended to be taken seriously or is a relaying of someone's real life extracurriculars. Jokes about sex are fine.


I do not support doxxing. Doxxing includes sharing someone's full name, street name, APARTMENT NUMBER, city, and state. This isn't 4chan. Your behavior is pathetic.


Please be patient, I'm sure I'll edit this profile a million times. And, as always, please feel free to reach out if you'd like to swap, if you have a question or problem with a swap I'm hosting (or my group), or if ya just want to chat!

Hosting Style

I wrote something very long here earlier, but here is an abbreviated version:

I vet swappers, I check in with people, I mediate conflict if someone sends something the other isn't happy with. I angel when necessary.

All I ask from participants is open and direct communication, and maybe a little bit of mutual respect. I am very lenient with a lot of things (and totally nonjudgmental) as long as they're presented honestly and in plain language. I am not intimidating, I promise. Gonna be late? Tell me. We'll figure it out.

That's all!

Pokemon Go

Add me and my partner, then message me your username! We've both gotten a couple adds at the same time recently, but I think our FCs are in a couple other places -- I prioritize SB users for gifts and try to get him to do the same. :P Our postcards have "modern" Scatterbug attached.

Me: 5301 3376 5281

Bf: 7637 3042 2189


feverfawn rated for SP: Used Stamps Postcard on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you sm for the wonderful stamp bombed postcard! I love all the stamps on it and it's very cool how you arranged them! Also I don't know how to say this, but the card did arrive with mold spores... Must have hitched a ride on Osiris-REx because I know you'd never send such a thing intentionally! ;) Lol jk - Thanks for joining my sad little swap 🤡
Response: I can't believe I have to say this, but please!!! Send as many mold spores as possible!!! Thank you very much for the kind and thoughtful ratings. I will continue to harass you with Osiris-REx and closeups of mold as long as GWB keeps appearing in my mailbox. Really proud of this postcard for surviving his trek btw!
feverfawn rated for SP: Summer Doodle Postcard on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the Eric Carle crocodile postcard (with the aztec croc stamped images omg) and all the cute & colorful summer doodles! Such a great swap - and thank you for hosting as well! Happy effin summer!
Response: I wonder if people ever look at our pages and think we're laundering ratings. That might actually be preferable to how sad we are lmao
JessicaPariah rated for Postcard from an Animal on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Your message was hilarious and spot on for the pose on the card, thank you!
Response: "So, you headed my way?" - Azizi
wolfeagle rated for MM&L: Themed Mail Art on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Thank you. Love your little alien.
Response: I am glad you liked him and ty for the heart! I definitely could've done better on the indeterminate animal going into the spaceship, but alas, I do not keep any type of craft blade in my home. Hopefully his lack of neck isn't too distressing!
feverfawn rated for SP: Space Postcard #2 on Jul 17, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much I absolutely love this card - cool space suit man, pretty stickers and washi and the Osiris rex stamp! It has clearly had a special journey on the way down here. Please tell Xy (can I call him that or is it too soon?) I think he's cute and he should write me some time, but like be chill about it okay?
Response: Do you even need to ask about Xy? If anything, it's not soon enough!
chimerix rated for AMA: Dada Poetry Collage HMPC on Jul 17, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the 2 great PCs. I agree, it was really hard to go with the flow of the words. I like both of your pcs! Aloha
Response: I'm glad you liked them and ty for the heart! Was a bit unsure on the mammoth imagery, haha. I was honestly pretty unhappy with these despite making 2 and may do a resend with your stamped images now that I understand the assignment a bit better (I received a very cool one and felt embarrassed!)
flowerais rated for flowerais & HausOfImps on Jul 16, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for everything!! I couldn't possibly choose one favorite thing but the clown stickers may have won me over. ❤️ I loved your letter and all the fun facts you included. I can't wait to hear from you again. 🫶🏼
Response: Thank you so much for the heart! Maybe I will make you a zine -- give me a topic tbh and I'll roll with it!
m0xiegal rated for AMA: Clown Postcard or Notecard on Jul 15, 2024
Comment: Thanks Lisa, for the cute clown Furbie. The envelope was decorated so cute as well, and thank you for the stickers.
Response: I'm glad you liked them, thank you for the heart! The envelope especially was a lot of fun :)
majewsju rated for Improve a Postcard on Jul 14, 2024
Comment: Thank your the cute card! I loved the sparkly cat stickers!
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for rating!
Comment: Lisa, oh my goodness, I can't even put into words how much I love your drawing of the swan and the note card you sent it in and just EVERYTHING!! You are such an amazing and generous friend and I will always be so grateful of you. You always know how to make me smile and to bring joy into my day. Everything is perfect and I love it all with my whole entire heart<3<3 Thank you one BILLION times over... INFINITY times!!! I will just say thank you every single day, HAHA! I can't wait to send your items soon<3
Response: You say the nicest things about me and I wonder, man, when is Addie going to realize that I suck LMAO. I'm so glad we're exchanging mail again, thank you for the kind rating and enjoy your mints! Ily! <3
LyrasHope rated for Book Log: June 2024 on Jul 12, 2024
Comment: I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book log. I laughed so hard in some points I had to stop and take a breath - you are a really good writer, and I hope we match up again in a book log swap because omg, this was fun. Cheers!
Response: This was such a kind rating, thank you! I was pretty anxious that my writing style may not be well-received, so to say this is a relief is an understatement. I'm also glad that no pried open/crashed their car into the mailbox and stole my letter -- what a tense few days. Here's to swapping again soon!
Comment: thank you so much for the space postcard - i also love the stamps, stickers and washi you used! i have never seen Peanuts washi tape before 🤩 the song is so interesting too, i don't think i would have ever discovered it on my own if it wouldn't have been for you. i wish to go to a rave one day!
Response: I am so glad that everything went over so well! I was almost out of my Peanuts washi and was so pleased to have something special to use it for. Thanks so much for the heart, lmk if you'd like to trade more postcards sometime!
samsstuff rated for Cover The Envelope 💌 #2 USA on Jul 6, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the fun envelope and the little extras!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm so glad it arrived safely :)
SimplySuze rated for Clown ATC on Jul 1, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the gorgeous clown ATC. I am learning from the way you make different textures with simple lines. Background choices rad as well -- seem like the clown is lifting off the page. And great color palette! Also tx for the notecard tuck in -- will use!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart, and I'm keeping you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery <3
feverfawn rated for Extinct Bird Sketch in a Notecard on Jun 28, 2024
Comment: Oh my god...Oh my god??? I love this man, this Elephant Bird. What a cool guy. I love the drawing with him surfing it's very good. Love the facts and learning about him. Miss him...wish he was still around. The swap envelope was super cute too, really appreciate the extra attention to make this a fun swap to receive (& the extra envelope with the cute penguin stamps!) Tytyty ❤️
Response: This is a really nice rating :( Thank you. <3 I wish he was here, too. He was so tall. Imagine how big his surfboard would be. Imagine him laying down on the board like he's laying on a nest to paddle out to the waves. I wonder if he died being pulled into the undertow and did not have any next of kin. He was brave. One day we will join Him.
Comment: Thank you so much for the delicious locally roasted coffee - 3 different kinds to try ahhh I'm so excited! They all smell so good and I've never really tried coffee with flavors like these so it'll be a fun experience. Time for some French Pressies!!!! See you in The Circle 🤫
Response: The Circle is complete. I was going to write a note that Skedaddle was an extra because it was time for it to "skedaddle" out of my kitchen, but A said I was setting you up for it to be impossible for you to like it lmao. Really it just seems like it doesn't work as a cold brew. Lmk how they all go!
Jangonz rated for SP: Happy Postcard Swap #2 on Jun 26, 2024
Comment: Hi Lisa, Thanks for the Parisian artwork, always a favorite. I love my Yorkies, but as your mom knows, some days it is a struggle. :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you for the heart :)
di53 rated for SCRABBLE #46 on Jun 26, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the Lord Snooty postcard. I had never heard of him before!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I got those cards from a swap with a UK partner and I've been so hesitant to use them up! Ty for the heart!
ccmmsu rated for MM&L: Yokai ATC #3 on Jun 25, 2024
Comment: Oooh, what a cool ATC! I love how you paper pieced it with the folds and everything. Thank you for the ATC, the awesome washi, and the curious cats cards. I love it all!
Response: Thanks for the heart and I'm so glad you liked everything! As soon as I saw the guy, I knew I must fold him. I am fortunate that it worked out because I had no idea what I was doing! I love these yokai swaps and hope to see you in future ones!
tcornell rated for AI Generated Image Exchange on Jun 25, 2024
Comment: Lisa, so sorry for the late rating- I truly thought that I rated you already! I absolutely LOVE the images that you created for me <3 Thank you for hosting, as well as introducing me to the image generator! Tracy
Response: Thank you for the heart! And it's no problem :) thank YOU for participating! I had a lot of fun making the images and am delighted that you like them, and now have a way to make your own!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 204 100 103
Completed Fives Threes Ones
201 224 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
18 103 80 0
View all


simcoe54 on Jul 7, 2024:

Just a Tiny RAK -- Love all the items you sent me. Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

feverfawn on Jun 16, 2024:

If you don't send this image to 10 people in the next 2 hours you will wake up one night to find this fiber ghost hovering right next to your bed waiting...waiting for the just the right moment...

GreenDuck on Jun 15, 2024:

A BIG THANK YOU for everything you sent me from the 'Send to the person above you' swap. I especially love the hex signs playing cards and the glow in the dark stickers. Yay! :D

KeriandtheFlock on Jun 4, 2024:

Thank you so much for the RAK chicken. I love it!

feverfawn on Jun 3, 2024:

feverfawn on Jun 2, 2024:

Excuse me, do you have a moment? I would like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty.

feverfawn on Jun 1, 2024:

vaguely threatening goose noises

feverfawn on Jun 1, 2024:


Hello. The Time is Now.

Goodbye. See You Soon

Chickenmama on Feb 21, 2023:

Thanks so much for the awesome RAK!! I love it all and it is all awesome!! A great package to get! Can''t wait to try the tea!! I love coconut!! Stamps are always great to have! Love the washi!! Cute note card!! Thanks again!! Hugs, Stacey

addieixmarie on Feb 20, 2023:

LOL!! How am I just seeing the comment you left on my profile?! I am laughing so hard XD I love it so much LMAO

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