About Me

Hello From Toronto Canada

HERE IS MY THROWBACK THURSDAY INFO I am a long time fan of this man.

I love to draw doodles of flowers cards and any surface I can write on with a fine tipped marker. I make ATCs out of my flower doodles. I love to draw flowers on anything and everything. =) My favorite flowers are Sunflowers; Daisies; Cosomos or any flower with the he loves me he loves me not type petals.

I am also trying my hand at learning how to create tangle doodles especially of flowers. I am no expert yet but I appreciate any tips or suggestions regarding creating them.
I can crochet a little as I am still learning. I am also learning to knit. Anyone with tips and suggestions about crochet and knitting is greatly appreciated as I am a very slow learner and do not do either craft very well.


I am someone who lost my heart to a woman as I have a secret love of LADY DIANA and collect anything Lady Di but none of my know of my close friends know this about me =) as they would think I am too cheesy.

I must confess I am an addict and my addition is Vintage Movies and the channel TCM. I especially like pre code movies, Shirley Temple movies and Busby Berkeley movies. My all time favorite movie is Footlight Parade and I am sure you will enjoy it if you ever check it out.


Anything handmade especially dolls =D even if you did not make it or if it is something you no longer want or use. Please feel free to send it to me I will love it for you
POSTCARD BACKINGS STICKER which are adhesive so you can stick on the back of anything to make anything into a postcard. OR any kind of postcard backing that I can attach to something to make it into a Postcard that can be mailed out.
Pen Pal suppiles
Matryoshka Babushka Russian Nesting Dolls or anything related to them even address labels The possibilities are endless =D
RETURN ADDRESS LABEDS or address rubber stamp with my name and address and my swap bot username miablancs included on the return address labels
POSTCARDS OF ANY KIND that have not been used. It does not matter what they are as I will be using them for future swapping where I need to mail out a postcard. Please if you have any postcards you are not using and would like a new home for them I would love them.
Anything Pierrot or Pierrette
Anything considered to be LUCKY, i.e. lucky coins, lucky charms - especially if it was once lucky for someone else. Any Old or Vintage Lucky Token or Talisman or anything that brings GOOD LUCK =)
Anything with Animals especially ELEPHANTS with their trunk facing up or Cats and Dogs
Any paper crafting paper punch you are no longer needing or using especially if it is a flower or border punch
Any small tokens, charms or toy miniatures such as gum machine or cracker jack prizes.
Any FBs as long as they are not homers
ATC supplies of any kind even ones you no longer use or need
Any Amber bead you could part with.

Anything I have to sew together as I have no sewing fingers and cannot sew at all :=(
Coffee or Tea unless it is an Ice Tea mixture as I do not drink hot beverages.
Any Salted Candy
Stamping or Embossing Powder, I do not use them at all.
I also cannot wear any jewellery such as ring; earrings and necklaces that have any metal on it unless the metal is sterling silver or gold as all other metals burn my skin.

It really hurts to be flaked on in a swap and I was flaked by:

'Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up.

Response: Thanks for your kind rating and heart. I am so glad that you liked the post card ðŸ˜
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and heart. I hope that you are enjoying your autumn. 😊
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and heart and also love of someone in need of pulling themselves together...lol. With my depression I can so relate to that expression. Here in Toronto we are having very warm end of summer weather. I hope you are enjoying these last few days of summer before fall arrives on Friday =).
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart =). I am so glad that you liked the PC of my city. Please feel free to come here to visit any time as you are more than welcome =).
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart =). I am so glad that you liked the card!
Response: Thanks for your kind rating. I hope that you liked the magnet I made you.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart. It was my pleasure to share a little bit of my Paris with a fellow Paris fan â¤ðŸ˜. I am so glad you like the card.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart =). I am so glad that it arrived so quickly to your home! Have a wonderful week =)
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and heart. I am so glad that you liked the PC and if you have a good recipe for sweet tea I would love to know it ! Have an awesome summer, here so far it is cold and raining always =(.
Response: Hi there and thank you for your kind rating and heart. I hope you are having a great summer so far.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart. I look forward to swapping again with you, also if you would like to be pen pals I would love that too. Unfortunately I am unable to write the first letter as I have just had surgery and am not feeling. But if you are interested feel free to write to me first if you would like, if not I will start to write to you later...but only if you want to be pen pals okay.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart =D
Response: Thank you for kind rating and heart. I am sure spring is uber wonderful there and I will tell you why. I was watching a show called Border Security Australia. It is about the border agents at the airport in Australia who screen holiday makers who arrived in Australia for a holiday. An elderly man arrived at the airport in Australia from Germany and brought a package of seeds of Spring Flowers that grow in Germany . When they asked him why he brought these seeds with him on his holiday to Australia he said that Germany has the best Spring Flowers in the whole world. And he wanted to share these German flowers with Australia =D.
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and heart. I am sure you are sick of me as your partner but I am stopping swapping for a while as I am having an operation.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart. I am so glad that the little famous face arrived safe and sound and made your day...lol She is always a pick me up face for me 😀
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart. I am so happy you like what I sent to you =D.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and heart. I am so happy you like what I sent to you =D. I wish we had warm weather here. You are right about worrying about the summer but if it gets to hot there in the summer just come here to stay with me...lol...I never even need an air conditioner in the summer.
Response: You are such a sweetie, thanks so much for your kind rating and heart, it is always a pleasure to swap with you =D.
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and heart and it is always nice to find local partners. Do you know I have heard of some fellow swappers that meet once a year for a crafting day/get together. Too bad there is nothing like that in our neck of the woods.
I hope you’re doing okay! Miss you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Howlloween!
Thank you my dear friend for sending to me the big envelope full of FBs, your beautiful card & letter. I owe you one soon. My address has changed to Winter Garden, FL address on my profile. I'm looking forward to Oct., cooler temps, no humidity. - Kathy
Hi Bonnie, I have not heard from you in a long time. Sal's mother had cancer through the past year and recently passed, so I have not been online much between hospital visits and graduate school. I am sending you a postcard and I hope you get it. Shellie
Hi Bonnie! Hope you are well & doing OK?
See you haven't been here since last Nov. Wishing you the best for '2018.
So, i'm just walking along Queen Street East and wondering how the heck you are? Have a wonderful Cjristmas. I'm loving Toronto.
Hello Bonnie! Checking in to ask how you are doing? Happy November!