Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 8:01 pm


Date Joined: August 6, 2012
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: May 19, 1956
Country: United States
Deviant Art
$5 Etsy witchy wishes
My Amazon Wishlist

A little bit about me

Hi! I'm Prairie Kittin. (Yes, that is my real name. I was named after my aunt Prairie and my grandmother Katherine "Kitti"). My father named me. My mother called me 'Katey' right up to the day she died.

The first name skips a generation. My grandmother was Kitti. I'm Kittin. My granddaughter is Kat!

The name Prairie was my Aunt's first name; my middle name; my daughter's middle name; my granddaughter's middle name and 2 of my great-granddaughter's middle names!

This is my Aunt Prairie


Nemophilist is an obscure word that hasn't really been used for over 100 years ā€“ but it is a word that surely deserves a comeback! It means someone with a love or fondness for forests, woods, or woodland scenery, or someone who often visits them ā€“ a 'haunter' of woods. Yep, that's me!


Not my circus. Not my monkeys. ... Oh, wait. The flying ones? Yeah, those are mine.

Did you know that in Finland and Sweden, witches come out on Easter?

If you want to make me happy, send me witches, trolls and creepy stuff. (Old school creepy... I don't do zombies, murderous clowns or chuckie dolls. No excessive blood, either. I like skulls, sexy witches, trolls, skeletons, spiders, tombstones, ravens, foggy graveyard pictures, things like that.) Tim Burton style.

I adore the Steampunk genre. Not so much the dressing-up in "costume" part, although I do have the prerequisite hat and goggles. I enjoy Steamy ATCs, postcards, pictures. Things like that. I have a Steampunk Tarot deck kept in a gear-encrusted box. I love it! I'm creating a steampunk aquarium. My bathroom is done in Cthulu and Octopi.

I have several grandchildren, most of whom are grown up now. Most of them are atheist or pagan.

I have five great grandchildren. How did I become old enough to have great grandchildren?

I just love 23andme and ancestry.com! I've lost several grandkids (15 grandchildren given up for adoption.. that I know of!) Through DNA, I've found several grandkids and have discovered some great-grandchildren that I didn't know I had!


I am a letterboxer. My trail name on Atlasquest.com is "Witch Kittin".

I have 5 cats, 4 dogs, and fish. Lots of fish. I have a 125 gallon tank in the living room and a 10 gallon guppy tank in the dining room. Then I created a 250 gallon koi pond in my backyard. Had a friend help me dig the hole, but I did the rest myself. Planted around it, created a waterfall and put in koi and goldfish. The koi that out grew the 120 in the living room graduated to this.

I love plants of all kinds. Someone commented one time that my house looks like a jungle. Well, not yet... but I'm working on it!!

Oh, and I also live with a large hairy biker dude named Steve. He is my rock.

UPDATE: As of August 2, 2022, Steve is now my HUSBAND!!! I never thought I would have another one of those in my life, but here I am, all married and stuff! LOL!


I am 420 Friendly. I am a nonsmoker myself, though. I have been known to raise medicine for a cousin going through chemo. I don't do it myself, but I do believe in it's uses as medicine.


Favorite Crafts

I do mail art and Zentangle, mostly.

I used to do ATCs, but not so much anymore. Back in the early days (yes, I am that old!), ATCs were all about the Art. Now, there are ribbons and embellishments and beads and baubles. They look like a miniature mixed media card. I just can't do that. Well, I can, but I don't enjoy it as much. I have come to the conclusion that, as far as arts and crafts go, I can do Art. Crafts, not so much. I'm okay with that. I'm a fair to good artist, but my attempt at crafts never turn out as pretty as the ones other people make.

I am a member of International Union of Mail Artists in good standing since 2013.

I enjoy doing Zentangle and zentangle inspired artwork.

I've also carved my share of rubber stamps and made a few logbooks to go with them for my letterboxing hobby.



I am a collector. I admit it. Is there a 12-step program for that? I collect:

Witches with human-colored faces (NO green faces! Shudder!)

Trolls (the old-school cutesy little dolls with the wild hair, as well as the Scandinavian kind)

Keys (old fashioned skeleton keys. I don't know why, but I am totally fascinated by them)

Rocks, stones, crystals, fossils (I was a geology major in college)

Cast iron anything

Beer coasters from McMeniman's (especially Ruby)

Fawns (especially antique ones)

Fish (live ones! LOL)

So... a cast iron troll dressed as a witch, carrying a skeleton key in one hand and a trilobite in the other, with a fawn curled up at her feet, standing on a beer coaster in a betta tank would be absolutely perfect. ;-)


Ruby and Hammerhead

This is Ruby. She's my favorite witch of all time!




I don't have a favorite color, but I prefer earth tones and muted colors, although occasionally a deep rose color takes my breath away and stops me in my tracks! I seem to have a lot of purple things, too.

Looking at my colored pencils, there are some colors that are almost worn away to nothing. Dark green, dark purple, aquamarine and dark brown, in particular. So, I guess maybe those might be considered my favorites!

Animals of all kinds. I could no more harm an animal than cut off my own arm.

Tarot-related anything.

Anything nature-oriented, especially rocks.

Old herbals, geology or paleontology texts.

Anything Pagan or witchy.

Rubber stamping stuff.




I do NOT support Susan G. Komen. I am a breast cancer survivor, and I support other charities, just not that one.

No Christian stuff. Please do NOT send me anything christian. I have been physically, mentally and emotionally hurt by members of that religion, and I would prefer not to have any reminders. Don't ruin my day by sending me pictures of a mangled corpse hanging on a stick. I don't care who he is, or what he means to you. Please, just don't do it!

I would appreciate it if you didn't send anything religious, political or gory.

I'm not into the usual girly stuff. I don't wear makeup. I make my own skin cream. Instead of a purse, I carry a backpack usually. It's filled with art supplies. LOL!

That's about it. I like just about anything else. I enjoy all kinds of art, especially mail art. I like to make Zentangle cards and decorate envelopes. I like to think my art puts a smile on someone's face in it's journey to your mailbox.


Recipes and stuff

Steve and I are both diabetic and he has congestive heart failure. I'm always looking for good nutritious meals that are 1) Low in sugar; 2)Low in carbs; 3) Low in sodium (salt); 4)Contains no mammal meat (no beef, pork, lamb, etc. Chicken and turkey are okay); 5)Little to no soy, so no tofu. (I'm allergic). We eat fish, seafood and poultry for the protein.

Yeah.... dinner is a real challenge around here! If you have any recipes that maybe we can eat, please include them in any swaps. They will be more than welcome!!

Also, if you happen to have any recipes incorporating cannabis, I'd love to look at them! I make edibles for my friend who is going through chemo.


I recently was tested and have discovered that I am a supertaster. Not as "super" as it sounds. It has made me a picky eater because I am oversensitive to tastes. I don't do anything spicy (one grain of black pepper feels like it's boring a hole through my tongue!). I like veggies, except kale and brussels sprouts.


A note about

I mark a swap as "sent" when I put it in the outgoing box. If it's later in the day, after the mail has run, it won't be postmarked until the mailman picks it up the next day.
If it's on a weekend day, it may not get postmarked until the following Monday.
Ditto the holidays. If I put it in the outgoing box, and the mailman doesn't come get it until after the holiday, then it won't be postmarked until after the holiday. Oh, and sometimes the mailman doesn't come down my street at all!
Please keep this in mind if you see a postmark that is a day or two after the date I marked it as 'sent'.


About postcards

I don't "collect" postcards. BUT, I do enjoy receiving them. I particularly like handmade, especially hand drawn or hand painted cards. I like postcards to be sent naked and written on. That's part of the charm of postcards. I enjoy 'strange' or 'unusual' postcards more than the "touristy" type. If you want to include a blank postcard as a "goodie" or "extra" in a swap, expect me to use it to write a note for the next swap I'm in. (Unless it's so bizarre or unusual that I absolutely have to keep it and add it to my collection of bizarre and unusual things!)


Pagan, witchy stuff

I am pagan. My path is eclectic, which means I don't 'fit' into any particular category. If I have to claim a label, I would say I am a green witch. I love plants, animals, herbs for healing, etc. I am most happy in my home tending my plants, animals and fish.

I read Tarot and runes. I also like oracle cards. I wear pentagrams and Goddess symbols. I do not follow one particular God/dess, but I enjoy images, figurines, etc of Mother Nature, Gaia, Earth Mother, Yemaya, Green Man, Cernunos, etc.
If you want some ideas for pagan gifts, I like:






altar cloths

crystals, rocks, stones, fossils

sea shells


anything from Mother Nature: pinecones, acorns, twigs you felt compelled to pick up, sea shells, pretty rocks, tree bark, etc. Lots of etc.

pictures or depictions of God/dess

Tarot decks

I collect witches with human (not green!) faces

dragons, elves, fairies, mermaids

I'm not so much into chakras, Reiki, aura cleansing, or things like that.

My favorite incense is Nag Champa. I can't burn it when Steve is home because he has an allergy to smoke. But, I still love the smell. I leave a box open on my altar or desk so I get the scent without the smoke.

I don't burn scented candles for the same reason. I love them, so I keep them next to me, but I can't burn them.

Essential oils are okay because they don't put smoke in the air. I especially love frankincense and myrrh. Patchouli smells like mold to me, so I would prefer not receiving that.



HausOfImps rated for MM&L: Themed Mail Art on Jul 26, 2024
Comment: I love love love the native style Bigfoot! And the informative envelope, and the super generous extras from the Bigfoot museum (jealous!)! Thanks so much for the great swap, it was such a joy to receive.
DaisyNY rated for TUT~ It's a string thing! #036 on Jul 17, 2024
Comment: Lovely, as usual. Thank you for hosting!
Response: Thank you for the compliment! Glad you like it.
Comment: My draw of presents is getting so full!
Response: I have a huge witchy stocking hanging on my wall in the drawing room. I've actually had to add on a second one! LOL!!
Comment: Thank you so much for all the lovely goodies! Summer has been sweltering here as well-- hope you're staying cool :)
Response: Happy Un-birthday! LOL!
Comment: Thanks so much for a lovely envie, Prairie Kittin! I love everything you sent, especially the gorgeous craft papers. As for how I'm holding up out here - with as much swimming as possible and a vacation to see my sister in the Midwest soon! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome. I was hoping you'd like these.
redyellownow rated for ZEN USA~ Zine String Thing #2 on Jul 8, 2024
Comment: Sorry, I don't know why this was not rated before now. Thanks!
Response: You're welcome!
khoffmaster13 rated for BS&S~ June Stocking Stuffer on Jul 8, 2024
Comment: Went direct into my stocking. Thank you!
Response: Yep, I wait to open mine, too. This way, I'm guaranteed to get Yule gifts! LOL!!
pianoheart rated for WC ~ June Stocking Stuffer 2024 on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: Thank you
Response: You're welcome!
Comment: Thanks for sending this PC along for me. I can't wait to add to it and send it along!
Response: You're welcome!
ariestess rated for ZZ ~ Twinchie postcard June 2024 on Jun 23, 2024
Comment: Thanks for sending this PC along for me. I can't wait to add to it and send it along!
Response: You're welcome!
ariestess rated for TUT ~ It's a String Thing #027 on Jun 23, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the gorgeous tile! Can't wait to add it to my collection!
Response: You're welcome!
helen4102010 rated for TUT ~ Zine-Go-Round JUNE 2023 on Jun 17, 2024
Comment: LOve the two for one!
Response: Yay!
helen4102010 rated for ZEN USA ~ Zine String Thing on Jun 17, 2024
Comment: Love the two for one :)
Response: Glad you like it.
Panda1122 rated for vintage tag on Jun 8, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful tag! I really like the lace edging you used šŸ˜šŸ˜
Response: This was so far outside my comfort zone! I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure if I did it right!
mcorbus rated for ZZ ~ Put a Flower on it on May 29, 2024
Comment: Pretty tile, thank you!
Response: You're welcome!
pearlie rated for TF May '24 Stocking Stuffer on May 26, 2024
Comment: I will be waiting to open until Christmas because otherwise I have no presents to open! Thank you in advance for helping make my holiday fun again. And how did you know I was getting ready to do some embroidery?! I just got some vintage hoops at the thrift store the same day I picked up your package! You read my mind.
Response: Funny how these little coincidences work, isn't it? :-)
shellbede rated for ZEN USA~ Traveling Journal Round 5 on May 25, 2024
Comment: I think what you created was wonderful! And so true - no mistakes in Zentangle!!
Response: Thanks.
DaisyNY rated for TUT ~ It's a String Thing #091 on May 25, 2024
Comment: I do like glitter pens - who can resist something shiny?
Response: That was quite glittery! ROFL!
sgjolinar rated for BS&S~ May 2024 Stocking Stuffer on May 24, 2024
Comment: Double Feature Yuletide Picture Show! ;)
Response: Hope you like them!
sgjolinar rated for WC~ May Stocking Stuffer 2024 on May 24, 2024
Comment: You got me again! Half way to presents time!
Response: Hope you like them!

Rating Overview

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108 293 1617 0
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2Hearts on Apr 17, 2024:

What a thoughtful wish you sent for AAW April! My black cat, Lucky, rules the roost here! Thank you!

bostianh on Oct 10, 2023:

Thank you soooo much for the amazing wish filled envelope for AATW October. I love everything you sent.šŸ’—

RiverTopanga on Sep 12, 2023:

I am so pleased that the paper got to you this time! Not sure why the post office was confused - haha. I love those papers. Couldn't figure out how to send 12x12 pages without using an old album cover... which, if I had, I wouldn't want to use as a mailing envelope - LOL. Have fun with them. šŸ’œ

RiverTopanga on Aug 15, 2023:

You are SuperFantastic! Thank you for the Haunted Heartland book. It was a wonderful surprise! I've been missing the investigations we did when I was in NE. This will help me re-live some of those good ol' days! Thank you book angel šŸ˜‡

RiverTopanga on Aug 15, 2023:

Hi Prairie Kittin. Thank you so much for sending my mum such a beautiful birthday card. The sentiment was made more amazing by the thoughts you added. You have definitely helped make her 92nd birthday a very special one. Thank you.

9O96O on May 26, 2023:

Thank you so much for finished and sending my pass & paste postcard PK!

Contributors: 9o96o, mcorbus, Tara, PrairieKittin

Tricia22 on Apr 25, 2023:

AATW April- Thank you for the wishes of the stickers books. Much appreciated

9O96O on Apr 23, 2023:

Thank you so much for contributing to my pass & paste postcard, PK. Here's the final postcard:

9O96O on Mar 25, 2023:

Thank you for contributing to my Pass & Paste Postcard. I love it! Here's the finished postcard.

Section 1: me 9o96o Section 2: Ktk8 Section 3: PrairieKittinkt Section 4: lkat78

LavenderSprinkles on Feb 27, 2023:

Thanks for hosting!

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