Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Had to send her fabric out 2 times and sent (Angeled) to another person on top of it all because she hadn't sent her item to her swap partner in a timely manner and then I receive a 3. Her original send to partner even rated her a 3 for the fact she never communicated with her.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it.
Response: So glad that you all are enjoying everything I sent
Response: so glad you like it...thanks for the 5
Response: I'm so glad that your daughter liked all of it...
Response: i sent a msg regrding this and you should check yur spam EMAIL, but I will accept the 3 according to rating policy and sorry that you feel the way you do. And since you don't live in the USA apparently you don't know that a candy bar cost anywhere from .89 to $1.79 depending on where you have to purchase at so the 5x7 padded envelope that I sent you stuffed approximately 2" thick did meet the price requirements. I wish I had kept the ripped pkg and the receipt on candy's but apparently I didn't. Here is the combined total on candies in picture: purchased at local conventiant store
"SkyBar" $1.79
Spree, Pkg M&M, round M&M, kit Kat and Hershey all $1.79
Ferre Rocher $1.89
Applehead .89
small peanut butter bar, smarties and longer pkg of round chocolate filled candies .25 each and various other little candies approx $1.00 value
Combined total over $15 and they don't all look smashed to me.
Response: i'm so glad that you like it. Make sure you let me know how they turn out
Response: I'm glad I could pick one she needed..thanks
Response: thats no problem...if you wanna swap later down the line let me know
Response: Im do glad the candy bar wAs a new flavor
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it all
Response: I'm sorry if they were damaged. I sent you a msg & will resend others if you like if you like
Response: thanks so much for your patience...
Response: so glad that you liked it
Response: your very welcome
Response: they started in January so your doing ok
Response: so glad that you liked it..thanks for the heart
Response: I'm glad that you liked it
Response: thanks Happy Holidays to you and urs
Response: yvw. i have some other packed away I think. if i find it i will send it for you to use on quilts
Response: I'm glad that you liked it. i made a christmas tree skirt out of the same kinda fabric last turned out really nice
Response: i'm so glad ur girlfriend liked it....i loved the fabric and had enough to make another stocking for a friend of ours...
Response: I'm so glad that you like it and can use it
Response: i'm glad you liked me i was
Response: thanks so much for swapping with me...the kids really enjoyed what you sent...
Response: so glad that you liked it..
Response: me to thanks so much
Response: wheeew! thats a relief:) glad you were happy with them
Response: i'm so glad that they liked it....
Response: i m sending more cat coupons your way...thanks so much for the trade
Response: I think this was the swap I worried about so glad that you like it
Response: so glad you liked it
Response: I'm so glad that it will get good use. And very glad you like it
Response: glad you like it. i'm not to ontop of things here lately
Response: you don't owe me, but thanks for relieving my mind and liking it:)....
Response: I'm so glad that he liked it..and glad you liked the paint can..thanks for the heart
Response: thanks for the heart and I am glad you liked the fabric
Response: I'm so glad that she liked them
Response: so glad you like it
Response: so glad that you liked everything
Response: awesome! the pkg made it thru the snow....
Response: so glad you liked it
Response: hope you can make all kinds of things with it
Response: so glad that you received them. i threw in a couple extra...
Response: i'm glad that you like it and hope you got the website for that pattern
Response: thanks so much..
Response: I am so glad that she liked it and hope she can use everything
Response: i'm glad that you liked it..
Response: so glad you think she will like the fabric on her pillows
Response: I'm glad that you like them
Response: i'm so glad took forever
Response: glad that you enjoyed them.
Response: I know you like quilting and thought I would send you enouh to make an awesome top with. Glad you like it
Response: your very welcome
Response: I'm glad that you like it and that was the second pkg. so the other one has probably hit history land in the postal service
Response: Glad you like it
Response: Glad you like it. I was worried if I sent the right things or enough...
Response: If I would have had an extra one I would have sent an extra one to you...but glad that you like it
Response: I'm so glad she enjoyed it
Response: was the nametag in it
Response: I'm so glad that you like it
Response: I'm glad that you liked it
Response: glad you like it....they are awesome
Response: i hope he enjoys everything
Response: I've very glad that you liked it...thanks
Response: I love buckeyes also..try dipping them in white chocolate instead of chocolate/
Response: thanks so much for the good rating...
Response: so true anywhere in ohio you gotta love em or your history
Response: That is weird...great minds and
Response: glad u liked it
Response: i wish u would have won
Response: your very welcome..i hope you can use it
Response: Your very welcome...
Response: I wish you would've won...I'm sorry
Response: thanks so much...I am glad that you like it..
Response: i'm so glad that you like it.....i loved that fabric so much i got a couple extra yds for myself
Response: thanks so much and i am so glad that you liked it
Response: i m so glad that u like it....i was worried
Response: I am so glad that you like it
Response: Just got confirmation from dc# that it was delivered. Hope its ok
Response: send the entry ticket in by the address it states or get online at and the others you have to have 3 of the same kind to win on
Response: meant a lot..because it was moms and my aunts
Response: I am so glad that you liked it all....i just went to wally world and started grabbing
Response: i am so glad you like it
Response: glad you
Response: i hope you do win....
Response: glad you like her
Response: so glad that you liked them
Response: i'm glad that you liked it all. i loved the bear fabric also
Response: so glad that you liked it
Response: I'm so glad you liked it..thanks
Response: i'm so flad that you liked them and hope you can use most of them at least
Response: I'm glad that you liked it all
Response: thanks for bearing with seem to get me every
Response: you have me again for the april one...hope i get it right this
Response: I'm very glad you liked all of the items..thanks
Response: so glad you liked it...thanks
Response: Go OSU Buckeyes!!!! lol
Response: I'm glad you liked them
Response: glad you liked them.....
Response: glad you liked them..i thought you had said you hadsome of the fabric
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it
Response: glad you liked it .......
Response: Thought the autograph would be a little something extra. I am glad that you liked it...
Response: thanks so much...glad you liked it
Response: i sent this out 2 times to 2 different people and addresses and no response except a bad rating
Response: thanks for the 5. i done the best i could considering there wasa a death in the family and my mother was in the nursing home and i was also sick