Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for passing it on 💜
Response: Thank you! You, too 💜
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate this swap 💜
Response: You are very welcome!💜
Response: It’s always lovely to interact and swap with you! I really enjoyed putting together things I thought you might enjoy. I’m so glad to hear that you liked everything! 💜
Response: I’m glad you are interested in a book that I recommended. Hope you like it! 💜
Response: Thank you for passing on my card. This is a difficult swap that takes commitment and far too many people don’t pass on the cards they receive. I’ve been in this swap for two years and have yet to receive one of my cards back in return 💜
Response: You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked everything 💜
Response: I’m so glad you found my reading helpful! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed the swap 💜
Response: I’m glad you found it useful! Hope March is good to you 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Hope you had a great weekend also 💜
Response: You are welcome! I’m glad you like it 💜
Response: I really hope that you like it! 💜
Response: You’re very welcome 💜
Response: This was the first time I was able to collect quotes from the books I had read. It was pretty fun 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you liked it! 💜
Response: I’m happy that you liked the envelope I decorated for you! 💜
Response: You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found some interesting books on my list 💜
Response: I’m so glad that you liked my card! Visits to a coffee shop and the library sound so fun 💜
Response: You are welcome! I’m glad that I had the Year of the Snake stamp to send to you 💜
Response: Thank you for passing these cards on! 💜
Response: You’re very welcome! I do like the low-pressure type of book clubs. Happy reading and swapping to you, too! 💜
Response: Happy Imbolc to you too! 💜
Response: You are welcome! The Kitsune Teahaus stamp is my work address. I like the logo too! 💜
Response: You’re very welcome! Stay warm and cozy 💜
Response: Hope you have lots of cozy moments this month 💜
Response: I’m glad you received this swap. It traveled a long way! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! 💜
Response: Thank you for the heart 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you’ve found the reading useful! Good luck and best wishes 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Merry Christmas! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Yuletide season 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the card! Happy holidays 💜
Response: You are welcome. I’m glad you liked everything 💜
Response: I’m so glad you liked the tea postcard and quote! Happy holidays to you, too 💜
Response: You’re welcome. Hope you have some good books waiting to be read! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! I’m so glad that you liked everything 💜
Response: You are welcome! Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving 💜
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed what I sent. Thank you so much for hosting this delightful swap! 💜
Response: I hope you have a wonderful holiday 💜
Response: You are welcome! Nostalgia reads are very comforting 💜
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed swapping with me. Thanks for hosting! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad that you liked what I sent. Have a beautiful Samhain! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you liked the postcard I included. Have a wonderful Thanks giving! 💜
Response: I’m so glad you liked it! Hope you have a wonderful Halloween 💜
Response: You’re welcome. Hope your Samhain season is wonderful! 💜
Response: You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m so glad that you liked what I made for you. Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful swap! 💜
Response: You’re welcome. Hope you have lots of good books to read this month 💜
Response: Sounds like you have some good books lined up for this month 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the extras! 💜
Response: I’m glad you found some good book recommendations 💜
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed this swap. Hope to see you in the next one! 💜
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Mabon! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Hope you are enjoying the Traveling Book Card swap 💜
Response: Thank you for the book recommendations! I will check them out 💜
Response: I’m happy that you enjoyed the swap 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the quote and the card 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the extras that I sent you 💜
Response: You’re very welcome. Glad you liked it 💜
Response: The street fair was great fun! Lots to see and good food to eat 💜
Response: I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed reading my note. Hope you’re having a wonderful summer 💜
Response: You are very welcome! The tomato sticker is from PipStickers. I’m glad you like it 💜
Response: I appreciate you taking the time to rate this swap 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you liked everything 💜
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Beltane season 💜
Response: Glad you got it so quickly 💜
Response: I hope you have lots of good books on your TBR list! 💜
Response: You are very welcome. I’m glad you liked everything. 💜
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for hosting this wonderful swap 💜
Response: I’m really glad that you liked the spell page and the tea. I hope it helps you have a wonderful Monday! 💜
Response: You are welcome. Happy holidays to you also 💜
Response: Happy Yule to you also! 💜
Response: I’m glad you found a book on my list that sounds good to you 💜
Response: You’re very welcome! I’m sorry the familiar sheet didn’t have clear instructions. That’s all that it came with. I’m happy to send you something else though. Just send me a PM and let me know 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked it! I might have to buy a second box for myself 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that this reading was relevant to what’s going on in your life 💜
Response: I’m glad it got to you at the right time. Hope you had a wonderful Samhain season 💜
Response: Thank you! I’m so glad you liked it 💜
Response: You are very welcome! Hope you have a really fun Halloween 💜
Response: You are very welcome. I’m glad you liked the postcard! 💜
Response: I’m glad to hear that you liked the coloring page. 💜
Response: You are very welcome. This is a really fun swap! 💜
Response: You are very welcome, Stephenie 💜
May your Mabon season be bountiful! 🍂🍁
Response: I’m really glad that you liked everything. Enjoy that cup of tea! 💜
Response: I love this swap! Thanks for hosting and I’m so happy that you liked the postcard I made for you 💜
Response: I’m glad to hear that you liked the postcard. I love seeing what other people are sending also 💜
Response: I’m so glad I sent you your favorite type of cardboard chunk. They are one of my favorites too! 💜
Response: I’m glad you like everything! 💜
Response: You are welcome! 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked my amateur doodling! When purple is your favorite color, everything around you becomes purple 💜
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad you liked them 💜
Response: You are very welcome 💜
Response: You are so welcome! I’m really glad you liked everything 💜
Response: I hope your Lughnasadh season is indeed merry! 💜
Response: Hope your week was definitely full of fun! 💜
Response: You are welcome! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! May your Lughnasadh harvest be bountiful 💜
Response: You are very welcome! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you liked the washi tape 💜
Response: I’m so glad that you liked everything 💜
Response: This was a fun swap! I knew that those stickers were perfect for that postcard. I’m happy you enjoyed it 💜
Response: If it wasn’t quite ugly enough, it was certainly busy! Glad you appreciated the Highland Coo 💜
Response: You are very welcome 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the stationery that I sent. Congratulations on your first grandchild! Eleanor is a good, classic name— May it serve her well 💜
Response: I’m glad that the reading was meaningful to you. I was a little concerned that drawing TheTower for you would be too intense. 💜
Response: You are welcome! I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed this wonderful book 💜
Response: I’m happy that you liked the selections! 💜
Response: You are very welcome! 💜
Response: I’m glad you liked the Women of Art postcards! 💜
Response: I’m so glad that you liked the Pixies’ selection of goodies! 💜
Response: I’m really glad that you liked everything! Yes, I do this swap every once in a while— maybe I should host it more often 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap! 💜
Response: I’m so glad you like the little package of trinkets that I put together for you. You are a fun person to shop for 💜
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! I will try to host again as soon as I can ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for hosting a swap specifically for my favorite color ❤️
Response: You’re welcome! Wish I could share the ribs via U.S. Mail ❤️
Response: I’m glad you got some good book recommendations from me. I get most of mine from online book clubs like the SSM one ❤️
Response: I like the American version of Dirk Gently better— he was a little more likable, I thought. ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I really enjoyed drawing them ❤️
Response: I’m glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I hope that you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: Sorry about the confusion, Kristi. I’m glad you like the quote though! ❤️
Response: You’re very welcome ❤️
Response: I’m still going to concerts until I can’t go anymore! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad that you liked what I sent ❤️
Response: You’re welcome. Glad you liked the postcard! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Hope you are enjoying this swap ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
You’re welcome! I enjoyed the challenge of finding appropriate Q words ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: Thank you for hosting! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap! ❤️
Response: I hope your week is absolutely fabulous. You deserve it! ❤️
Response: You’re welcome! Hope you have lots of good books on your TBR list ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: This was such an awesome swap! I really enjoyed rereading Jane Eyre decades after I first read it. Brontë’s use of language is masterful ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I’m glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: I’m happy to know that this reading helped your week be a good one! ❤️
Response: Hope you had a wonderful weekend too! The stickers we sent out were made on the CriCut ❤️
Response: Hope you’re doing well, Jill. Always nice to hear from you! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I’m happy that you liked everything❤️
Response: I’m really glad that you liked them! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad that you liked everything, Lou! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad my envelope brightened your day! ❤️
Response: Sounds like you'll work through your stacks of books if you keep up your good pace. Hope you enjoy the challenge! ❤️
Response: I always find it interesting to meet the person behind the words! I’m glad you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I love this swap series ❤️
Response: I’m so glad that you enjoyed what I sent! Hope your Beltane celebrations are wonderful! 💖
Response: You’re very welcome! 💖
Response: Thank you for the heart! I hope you are enjoying this swap ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Easter! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: Glad you liked this month’s selection! ❤️
Response: Katie, I'm so glad you liked the card reading. I hope that things will soon be looking up for you! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked the gift! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for thinking up such a creative swap ❤️
Response: So glad you liked it. I love that particular book of postcards ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked the postcard! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Hope you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I'm happy to hear that you liked the reading 💖
Response: I’m so glad you liked it! 💖 I found the stamps on Amazon…
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: Thank you for passing this on. I hope you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything. Hope you have a beautiful Imbolc 💖
Response: Thank you for reading this month’s book club choice. I hope to see more good book selections from you! ❤️
Response: Thank you for passing these on ❤️
Response: I apologize for the mixup with the cards. Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me and clear things up. I really appreciate it! ❤️
Response: Thank you for passing this on! ❤️
Response: Thank you so much for rating this swap! I know you’ve been going through a really difficult time lately, so I really appreciate it. Hope things are looking up for you now! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that my card gave you a warm feeling! May your Yule be beautiful and meaningful💖
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked it! Thank you for passing it on ❤️
Response: Glad you liked the series. Am looking forward to hearing some key plot points and the resolution ❤️
Response: Hope you’re reading some great books ❤️
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed it. The bright pink and chartreuse made me happy just by looking at it. ❤️
Response: I’m happy that you liked what I sent. Thank you for the heart! ❤️
Response: You are welcome. Hope you enjoyed this swap! 💖
Response: I’m glad you liked it!❤️
Response: Hope you enjoyed the swap! Thanks for the heart ♥️
Response: Thank you for joining in on the swap. Hope you enjoyed it! 💖
Response: I was hoping that you would like those stickers! Have a wonderful Halloween 💖
Response: You’re welcome! Have an awesome Halloween 💖
Response: I hope you find a book that you like ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy the swap ❤️
Response: I am glad to hear that the package arrived so quickly all the way to Hawaii ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I’m so glad that you enjoyed the swap 💖
Response: Yeah, it’s been a while since I read Ray Bradbury. It’s time for revisiting his works. Hope your Halloween is full of fun and leftover candy! 🎃
Response: You are very welcome! I hope you have a wonderful Samhain season 💖
Response: Thank you so much for rating ❤️
Response: Self-care sounds like a very good way to practice hygge. I'm glad you liked the card and enjoyed the swap ♥️
Response: Jenn, thank you for rating. I hope you enjoyed the swap! 💖
Response: You’re welcome. Hope you’re finding lots of good books to read this month ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I hope you enjoyed the swap! ❤️
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it, Joanne ❤️
Response: That postcard is from Pipsticks. I’m glad you like it! 💖
Response: You’re welcome! Have fun coloring them in ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything, Rachel! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I really enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: I am really pleased that you liked the reading. I hope my Halloween oracle deck turns up soon… 💖
Response: Yay! I was hoping you would like it ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. Hope you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I’m glad that it arrived on time and that you liked it 💖
Response: I so much appreciate you rating for this swap ❤️
Response: You are very welcome, Moxie ❤️
Response: Thank you, Katie! Did you like the swap? 💖
Response: Thank you, Renee! I really enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked the stationery. Sorry about having the same washi! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad that you liked everything 💖
Response: I’m happy to hear that I sent you something that you liked ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: Thanks for passing it on ❤️
Response: I’m glad that you finally got it. ❤️
Response: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I appreciate the heart! Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: Thank you very much for rating! ❤️
Response: Wow! I love synchronicity. I’m so glad you enjoyed the swap. ✨❤️✨
Response: I’m happy that you liked the swap, Sibeak 💖
Response: Thank you for passing this on ❤️
Response: Thanks for letting me know ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! So glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: I’m glad you liked the postcard. I could wander in bookstores for hours! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I'm so happy that you liked everything ❤️
Response: I'm really glad that you liked everything ❤️
Response: You are welcome, of course ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked the selection that I put together for you ❤️
Response: I’m really glad that you liked it. I tried to make it as legible as possible for you 💖
Response: I’m really glad that you liked the selection of stationery I put together for you! ✨
Response: Thank you for passing this on ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: May better dreams find you…. ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: Glad you enjoyed my letter ❤️
Response: I don’t know if I deserve such high praise! But thank you very much. I’m glad you enjoyed this swap 💖
Response: Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: Thank you! I’m still working my way through Book of Night with breaks for an audiobook and life. So far it’s pretty good. ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I’m glad that you liked both the note card and the postcard. I hope you had a great weekend! ❤️
Response: I’m really glad that you liked what I sent. Hope you enjoy the swap! ❤️
Response: I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the quote and found inspiration in it. The Women in Science postcards were pretty awesome so when I saw that the artist had done a Women of Art series, I snapped them right up. So far, the Book of Night is pretty good—kind of a hard-boiled detective novel set in the seamy underbelly of Urban Magic ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You’re welcome! I hope you are enjoying this swap ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I hope that you enjoyed this swap. It’s always nice to see other people’s set-up rather than having to get inspiration from the internet. 💖
Response: It’s always nice to meet another Washingtonian. I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: You’re welcome! I really enjoyed this swap 💖
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m so glad that you like it! I love the artist: Hanna Karlzon 💖
Response: You are very welcome! I hope your life is full of good books, mischievous cats, and delicious tea 💖
Response: It’s wonderful that my card reached you all the way to South Korea in such good time! I’m glad you liked everything. 💖
Response: I’m really glad that you liked the card 💖
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything! I hope that Jessie and Pepper are not getting into too much trouble ❤️
Response: Thank you for passing it along!❤️
Response: I’m so glad you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I’m very glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: I’m really happy that you liked what I sent. I am one of “those people” that feed crows. I will have to look up the crow lady feud. 💖
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: Thank you so much for rating!
Response: I’m glad you found the reading pertinent!
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: I’m happy that you liked the ATC! Hope you had a great time in Seattle ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Samhain season ❤️
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed reading my September reading list! Hope you have some great books in store for you next month ❤️
Response: Have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked the book recommendation! ❤️
Response: That would be nice. Thank you! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! ❤️
Response: You're very welcome. I'm so glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! May your Mabon be bountiful ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that the reading resonated with you ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. I'm so happy that you like it! ❤️
Response: I am happy to pique your interest with The Dresden Files. I didn't even notice that you are in Dresden until I wrote the address ❤️
Response: No problem, Jess! Thank you ❤️
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I'm looking forward to Mabon ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating, James ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: It's the most common tea served at Chinese restaurants, so you might have tried it without knowing ❤️
Response: Thank you for hosting! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Lammastide ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked the quote and postcard. Hope you have a wonderful Lammas season ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it, James.I also would like to make the recipe, but I don't think that I could use up the rest of the bottle of Absinthe afterwards ❤️
Response: I agree! Thank you for being an awesome swap partner ❤️
Response: I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this book and found inspiration in it. ❤️
Response: You are very welcome, Kate ❤️
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: Yes, she was new to me also. I loved that this swap was a covert way to increase one's knowledge! ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating! I loved your review ❤️
Response: I'm happy to hear that you found the book I reviewed intriguing! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you found some things that you like in the envelope ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you found some things that you like in the envelope ❤️
Response: You're welcome! I'm happy to add to your 'To Read' pile ❤️
Response: You're welcome! Hope you enjoy the coloring ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it. Merry Midsummer! ❤️
Response: You are welcome, Diane. Thanks for passing it on ❤️
Response: I feel the same way! Thanks for the heart and I'm glad that you liked the postcard ❤️
Response: You are so welcome, Melissa! I just got your letter today ❤️
Response: That sounds like a great book recommendation! Thank you ❤️
Response: I'm happy that you liked it ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you enjoyed what I sent. It was my first swap with The Georgettes and I'm looking forward to many more ❤️
Response: Thanks for passing the cards on, Neal. I too have been finding it difficult to concentrate on reading this past year. I've read about half the number of books that I usually read. ❤️
Response: The New York Public library is also on my library-tourism bucket list ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked them ❤️
Response: I am happy that I was able to discern your preferences! I really liked that book also ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I really enjoyed compiling the collection for you ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it! I love this swap ❤️
Response: Glad you liked it! I love Mo on 'Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me'--I'll have to check out 'Mobituaries' ❤️
Response: That was my favorite postcard in the box of 100. I'm glad that you liked it ❤️
Response: I would definitely support the kickstarter for THAT musical ❤️
Response: You are very welcome, Lindsey! I'm glad that you liked it ❤️
Response: I'm so glad to hear that my little envelope brightened your day ❤️
Response: Thank you! Hope you are enjoying your day❤️
Response: You are welcome! I'm so glad that you liked it ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I'm so glad that you liked it ❤️
Response: I always look up bookstores in the cities that I'm traveling to ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it ❤️
Response: Thank you for passing it along ❤️
Response: I can't wait to see what you add to them! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked the selection of goodies! ❤️
Response: You're welcome! Hope you enjoyed the vintage stewardesses and extras... ❤️
Response: You're welcome! ❤️
Response: So glad you liked it, Raven! ❤️
Response: You are welcome, Zoë! It's amazing that the envelope arrived to the other side of the world in just seven days ❤️
Response: You are welcome! The Chocolate-Hazelnut tea is really good with milk and sugar ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I hope you enjoy the flavors ❤️
Response: Thank you, Karen! I'm glad that you liked everything ❤️
Response: Thank you! Yes, the beer was just as good as the illustration on the carton ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked the stuff ❤️
Response: It's nice to meet another Hufflepuff! Thanks for taking the time to rate ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked all the goodies ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are welcome! ❤️ (If you check again, you will see my name written on the card in addition to my Swap-Bot ID and the name of the swap.)
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Yes, I am in the garden every day that it doesn't rain now ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: You're welcome! It's nice to meet another Jane Austen fan ❤️
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: So glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: So glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: So glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: One can rarely go wrong with the choice of mocha ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I'm glad you liked the Chihuly postcard! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! ❤️
Response: I'm really glad that you liked the postcard, Dawn. I made it from the book Children of the Forest by Elsa Beskow ❤️
Response: Thanks, Carrii! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it! It's so nice to have all the ingredients on hand when you're in the mood for some hearth magic ❤️
Response: Awesome! I'm glad everything finally got delivered ❤️
Response: Thanks, Tiffany! ❤️
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate. ❤️
Response: Thank you, Aimee! ❤️
Response: I'm glad that you liked the postcard and poem choices ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks, Jess ❤️
Response: Thanks so much, Diane ❤️
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate, Colleen. ❤️
Response: I'm glad that you enjoyed the Coralie Bickford-Smith book covers! ❤️
Response: Thank you very much! ❤️
Response: I'm happy that you found the reading useful. Hope your month is amazing! ❤️
Response: Thanks, Jess! I refuse to let anything get in the way of writing postcards and letters ❤️
Response: The last Jane Austen book I re-read was Emma, and then the latest movie adaptation, quite conveniently, was released immediately after. ❤️
Response: Every neighborhood should have a bookstore ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked what I sent. I always read my swap partner's profile and try to send things that they will enjoy. Hope you had a wonderful Ostara! ❤️
Response: You're welcome! Yes, I also like the little independent shops the best. ❤️
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: Thanks! I'm enjoying sending out these bookstore-themed postcards ❤️
Response: You are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad that you enjoyed the swap ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it! This was an inspiring swap ❤️
Response: Barb, thank you so much for taking the time to remember this swap! ❤️
Response: It's nice to meet another mermaid fan! ❤️
Response: Thank you! Hope you enjoy coloring it ❤️
Response: Rachel, I am so glad that you my tarot reading resonated with you. Sending you many good wishes as you create your beautiful path ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Hope the coming month holds good things in store for you ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked what I sent! I am also a fan of foxes ❤️
Response: You are very welcome ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked everything ❤️
Response: I miss going to bookstores, having a cup a tea, and reading for hours. ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Have a blessed Imbolc ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! So glad you liked the cat and book PC ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! So glad that you like them ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I love seeing your journal pages on your Instagram ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you like it. Have a wonderful holiday season! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Merry Yule ❤️
Response: You're welcome! Merry Yule ❤️
Response: I am happy to hear that you found the reading insightful ❤️ May your Yuletide be bright!
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Yule ❤️
Response: Glad you enjoyed reading it! ❤️
Response: I'm very happy that you liked it! ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating! ❤️
Response: Awesome! I'm really glad that you liked it and found it relevant. I love doing these tarot readings....❤️
Response: So glad you like it ❤️
Response: So glad you liked it! Hope you are having a much better time of it now ❤️
Response: You're very welcome! Have a wonderful Samhain ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you like everything ❤️
Response: We love our librarians ❤️
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed this swap, Kerri! ❤️
Response: Thank you for remembering to rate me ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️
Response: I'm glad you like it ❤️
Response: You are welcome ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for participating ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you like it! Thanks for hosting such a fun swap and group ❤️
Response: I'm really glad that you like it! If you put the circle under some thin paper, you can use it over and over again ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Good luck with the home schooling and I hope you have some enjoyable moments teaching ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: I am really glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: Michelle, I am so glad that my little note card brightened your day! Hugs ❤️
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome. If you make the Blackberry Gin, let me know how it turns out! ❤️
Response: It's so nice to think that a little piece of my art has traveled half-way around the world and is now living with you. ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thank you so much, Stephanie! ❤️
Response: I am really glad that you liked them ❤️
Response: You are very welcome, Christy! So glad you liked everything ❤️
Response: You are very welcome, Lynds! Thanks for all the work that you do for The Penpal Coven ❤️
Response: I am very glad that you liked it! ❤️Congratulations on completing your first swap!
Response: You are very welcome, Jen! I hope your summer is off to a beautiful start ❤️
Response: I am very glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad that it had some meaning for you. ❤️
Response: Glad you like it! By the way, I really loved the organic Oolong tea that you sent me. :)
Response: Thank you, Becca! So glad that you like it. Hope you had fun with this swap. ❤️
Response: Thank you for the wonderful rating, Josephine! And congrats on finishing your first swap here on Swap-Bot. ❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked everything :D
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything, Maria! :D
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful midsummer <3
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful midsummer <3
Response: You are very welcome! :D
Response: Thanks, Roe! I love the Monthly Favorites swaps--it's a good way to really get to know someone. <3
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like the tea. Hope you have a wonderful midsummer coming up! :D
Response: Thank you, Margeux, for taking the time to read my rambling email. <3
Response: Thank you, Kamy, for reading my long, involved email. <3
Response: Thank you for rating ❤️
Response: ❤️ Thank you, Margeux, for hosting another illuminating tarot swap! ❤️
Response: I am very glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! I am happy that you liked the goodies ❤️
Response: You are welcome. I'm glad that you liked them! :D
Response: Thank you for hosting, Jess! 🙂
Response: I love English Bulldogs! Glad you liked the swap :D
Response: You are very welcome, Nina! Glad you liked it :D
Response: You are very welcome, Beverley! Let me know how the spell works out for you ;)
Response: Thank you, Colleen! I am very glad that you liked it :D
Response: I am so glad that you liked it, Jill! Have a wonderful birthday ❤️
Response: Thank you for rating....
Response: Thank you! I loved this prompt--lots of stuff to say about how awesome my librarians are <3
Response: Thanks for participating in this really awesome swap, Colleen. I'm looking forward to the next one :D
Response: Thank you, Jen <3 These tarot swaps are serving to deepen my knowledge and understanding of the cards :D
Response: You are very welcome! I'm so glad that you like them :D
Response: Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it <3
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: I am so glad that I chose some things that you liked :D
Response: That's awesome! I'm glad that I chose a good title for you. I love recommending books :)
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you liked everything. Thanks for making this swap so fun <3
Response: I am really glad that you liked it! <3
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! <3
Response: I was hoping that there would be a Kanga and Roo option. Or a Heffalump one! 😅
Response: You are very welcome ❤️ This was a very enjoyable swap :-)
Response: I am so glad you liked everything ❤️ Thank you for hosting a fabulous swap!
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: My to-read pile is pretty tall ;) ❤️
Response: Thank you, Lynne! Hope you have a wonderful holy day <3
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! <3
Response: Thank you, Diane! I would love to find some first edition Trixie Belden books <3
Response: They are best read in a blanket fort or a tree house
Response: That is a wonderful name for practitioners at the intersection of Hinduism and Buddhism :D
Response: You are very welcome! I love this card <3
Response: Thanks, Emily! Hope you are staying safe and sane during these crazy times <3
Response: Thank you! I liked what you had to say, also. <3
Response: 04/15/2020 Thank you for rating! I am so sorry that you didn't like what I sent you. I have resent you something different in hopes that it is more pleasing. ❤️
Response: I am really glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything, Gabi! I followed your profile likes as well as I could ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked everything! ❤️
Response: This swap really is a good boredom buster...❤️
Response: Thank you for hosting great swaps! ❤️
Response: I love Persuasion and Mansfield Park ❤️
Response: LOL, maybe I will have some nice talks with Jane Austen in the afterlife ❤️
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! This package was really fun to put together ❤️
Response: Glad you liked it! ❤️
Response: Thanks for listening to my electronic musings! ❤️
Response: Thank you for hosting great swaps! ❤️
Response: Thank you! ❤️ I re-read an Austen book every few years.
Response: Thank you! <3 I am well, just humorously commenting on perennial self-doubt LOL
Response: Thank you! <3 Yes, that is exactly what I meant. :)
Response: Thank you for rating! <3
Response: Thank you for rating! <3
Response: Thank you, Kamy! ❤️
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words, Margeux! ❤️
Response: I really enjoyed this swap. Thanks for hosting! <3
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for rating <3
Response: Thank you 🙏 Hope you and yours are safe and well!
Response: I love my gratitude practice--it has gotten me through many dark times. Thank you for hosting such great swaps! ❤️
Response: Thank you for making such fun questions! <3
Response: I am really glad that you liked the card--thought you would enjoy the mermaid theme. Hope you are well, also! <3
Response: I’m glad you liked it! ❤️
Response: There is no hurry, Lynn. Feel free to mail it months from now when things are safer. I will do the same thing! I am so sorry that COVID-19 has messed this up. Thank you for being an awesome swap partner! ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thank you for rating! :)
Response: I'm really glad you liked it! I tried to decorate it with stuff that you said that you liked in your profile <3
Response: I am glad you liked it. Take care! ❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I found this swap to be very illuminating ❤️
Response: You are welcome 💖
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Ostara <3
Response: You are very welcome! Have a wonderful Ostara <3
Response: Thank you for rating. Stay safe and healthy while the world gets through this! :)
Response: Hope you are doing well! <3
Response: You are welcome! Glad you enjoyed it :)
Response: I am very glad that you liked them! :)
Response: I am very glad that you liked it! Hope you enjoy the tea <3
Response: I am so glad that you liked what I put in the envelope <3
Response: The picture must have come off of the backing! :O I will send you another one <3
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for rating! :)
Response: Awesome! 😎 I am glad you liked it!
Response: Thank you, Emily! Hope you are doing well 💖
Response: Thank you, Abigail! Hope you really enjoyed this swap ❤️
Response: I am so glad you liked everything! Hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
Response: Glad you liked everything. Have fun being creative! :)
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked everything :)
Response: I am very glad you liked the things I sent. I tried to follow your profile likes :)
Response: You are very welcome! Hope you have fun using all the odds and ends :)
Response: I am glad that you liked it! Hope you enjoy The Testaments ❤️
Response: You are very welcome--I am so glad that you liked it. I really enjoyed doing the reading <3
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! What a fun swap :D
Response: It is from Coloring Book of Shadows: Tarot Journal by Amy Cesari….
Response: So glad you liked it! :)
Response: I am very glad you liked the washi samples :)
Response: So glad you liked it! Craft beer companies put out some excellent art. It's a shame to just have to recycle it. <3
Response: You are very welcome. I am glad you liked it! :)
Response: You are welcome! :)
Response: I have tried holding them under a very strong light and then bringing them into a completely black room. A tiny glow results. But, yes, a bit disappointing...
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! If you search for Four Seasons Washi Tape, you should see it on Amazon....
Response: You are very welcome, Emily! <3
Response: Glad you liked it! Just got your sunshine today--Thank you! lol <3
Response: You are welcome. <3
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate. I appreciate it! :)
Response: We are washi twins! :D
Response: You are welcome :) Hope February is off to a good start for you!
Response: Thank you very much for rating! :)
Response: You are very welcome, Ruth! I have your altar card up for Imbolc. :)
Response: You are very welcome :)
Response: I am so glad that you liked it all! I really enjoyed swapping with you <3
Response: You are very welcome, Emily. Hope your studies are going well! <3
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it. I thought the glitter unicorn stickers would appeal to you! <3
Response: Thank you for taking the time to rate this swap. I appreciate it very much! :D
Response: I am so glad you liked it! Yes, I read your profile and thought the plaid washi would be perfect. :D
Response: You are welcome! Have a wonderful Imbolc <3
Response: I think fresh herbs make chicken soup really special. I used dill this time around, but marjoram is a favorite, also. The stickers came from a friend--I think she ordered them from Etsy. <3
Response: Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day surprise with the hubby! :D
Response: You are welcome. Glad you liked it! <3
Response: Wonderful! I will send you a private message....
Response: Thank you, Emily! :D
Response: Autumn, thank you for rating! Bright Blessings :D
Response: I enjoyed reading your answer. Bright Blessings! :D
Response: Glad you liked all the bits and bobs... :D
Response: Happy New Year to you, also! :D
Response: Thank you! Hope you are having a great new year's day! :D
Response: Thank you! Hope you are having a wonderful new year :D
Response: Thank you! Have a wonderful new year :D
Response: I am glad that you liked it! Have a wonderful New Year! :D
Response: You are welcome! <3
Response: You are welcome! <3
Response: I am really glad that you liked them! Have a wonderful New Year :D
Response: I am so glad that you liked what I sent! :D
Response: I was hoping that you would like them! Happy New Year to you, too ❤️
Response: I take a break for months sometimes, but always seem to come back to it eventually. :D
Response: You are very welcome! :D
Response: Thank you so much! Have a great 2020 ❤️
Response: Thank you very much! ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Happy holidays to you, also ❤️
Response: So glad you like it. Have a wonderful holiday, too! :D
Response: You are welcome! Hope your holidays are great, also. ❤️
Response: Thank you, Emily! Hope your holidays are wonderful <3
Response: You are welcome....
Response: You are very welcome! :D
Response: I am so glad that you like it. :D
Response: So glad you liked the postcard, Jess. :D
Response: Thank you very much! ❤️
Response: Thank you so much! ❤️
Response: Thanks, Prairie! I loved hearing about your holidays, also. Have a wonderful Yule <3
Response: I am glad that you liked it! ❤️
Response: I am so glad you liked the things I sent to you for this swap! Have a very merry Christmas, also. :D
Response: You are welcome....❤️
Response: I am so glad you like the postcard! Hope you see Madness and have a great time <3
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! ❤️
Response: Thank you! Stay warm :)
Response: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my board.
Response: Thank you for hosting a great swap
Response: Glad you like them. I have been making those cookies since I was a kid.
Response: So glad you enjoyed the recipes! Thank you for organizing this fun swap :)