Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I did not receive any message saying that you had not received the card. /would you please check on that?
Response: Yes. The Lemon Pipers.
I had them correct on my word processor list. I guess it was a transcription error. Sorry.
Response: I hadn't thought of that. I looked it up. Rey as a girl's name jumped from 8/million in 2015 to 44/mil. in 2017, which pretty much follows the release of The Force Awakens. It then peaked at 53/mil. in 2020 and seems to be declining now.
Response: I just resent it.
It was originally sent on Jan. 27th at 10:28pm. My other two Partners must have received it as they rated it promptly.
I am sorry for the trouble.
Response: Yes. I used to enjoy writing everything but age is catching up with my hands.
Response: I do still enjoy drawing plans for things I build.
Response: I've been researching plants for hummingbirds and butterflies and find that there are quite a few that should do well in partial sun and I can plant all I want in the back of the condo.
Response: I've been listening to music for 70 years so I've hear a few. I like to try to think of songs that have the key work in the lyrics and not in the title.
Response: The lie is that I was a good student. The truth is that I got passed from grade to grade because the teachers didn't want me back in their class for another year.
New York City, anti-Vietnam war protest. Arrested for failure to disburse, bussed to a 'processing center' where I pled guilty before a Judge, paid a $25 fine and was released. I hopped on the subway for the three-stop ride back to the protest and to get arrested again.
The third time, the judge recognized having already seen me twice and told me "I appreciate your commitment however, if I see you again today, you will spend the night in the City Jail". By the time I got back to my friends, it was time to head back home anyway.
Response: The lie is that I was a good student. The truth is that I got passed from grade to grade because the teachers didn't want me back in their class for another year. I do love New York City and was arrested there three times in one day. It was an anti-Vietnam war protest. I was arrested for failure to disburse, bussed to a 'processing center' where I pled guilty before a Judge, paid a $25 fine and was released. I hopped on the subway for the three-stop ride back to the protest and to get arrested again. The third time, the judge recognized having already seen me twice and told me "I appreciate your commitment however, if I see you again today, you will spend the night in the City Jail". By the time I got back to my friends, it was time to head back home anyway.
Response: The lie is that I was a good student. The truth is that I got passed from grade to grade because the teachers didn't want me back in their class for another year. I do love New York City and was arrested there three times in one day. It was an anti-Vietnam war protest. I was arrested for failure to disburse, bussed to a 'processing center' where I pled guilty before a Judge, paid a $25 fine and was released. I hopped on the subway for the three-stop ride back to the protest and to get arrested again. The third time, the judge recognized having already seen me twice and told me "I appreciate your commitment however, if I see you again today, you will spend the night in the City Jail". By the time I got back to my friends, it was time to head back home anyway.
Response: It seemed much simpler. .. or did we just not know as much about what was going on?
Response: You are welcome. I am very good at nothing.
Response: I am still hoping to do the trans-nada trip next spring.
Response: Glad you liked it.
Response: Thanks. I do plan on enjoying a day of nothing.
Response: That chunk came from an old vinyl album jacket. I believe it was A Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention album. Zappa was trained as a classical musician.
Response: Happy that you still have that precious memento .
Response: I haven't listened to the radio plays. I tried reading some but didn't enjoy it. I have loved literally eery other thing he ever wrote.
Response: We have found many that are best and easiest seen from a boat.
Response: Sorry to hear your Aunt and Uncle are having such a rough time. Both my wife and a friend got it after their first shot but both were mild cases.
There is a movie of the first book but it is horrible. At the least, read the book before you watch it.
Response: Happy you liked it.
Response: I used to keep ducks. A couple times they escaped from the pen and my neighbor called me to let me know they were in his pool. I found that interesting because the pond was closer than the pool.
Response: Actually, when I blacked out and my plane hit a concrete barrier, my chest smashed into the yoke and my heart stopped. Fortunately, there were people right there who knew CPR and the ambulance and hospital were both very close.
Response: That's cool. Thank him for me. I use anime to learn a little Japanese and I appreciate it when the English language track is close to the original Japanese in meaning and it is not overly Americanized. I have seen many where the difference between the two makes me wonder if they are telling the same story.
Response: Really? It wasn't like that when I mailed it. I find myself wondering more and more why the USPS does some of the things they do... and where all that missing mail goes. There must be a really big pile somewhere.
Response: Don't feel bad. My taste in music misquote eclectic.
Response: It probably didn't go much faster. 30 mph was really moving over 100 years ago. People probably would have been scared to death to go faster.
Response: Thank you.
I'll make it up to you in the future.
Response: That is from the Masquerade deck, Mardi Gras edition, by the US Playing Card Co.
Response: I love visiting AZ. My brother-in-law has had rattlers in his garage a couple times.
Response: Getting up at 5:30m to go to work is even harder!
Response: Colours were nice but not as good as "normal" and the trees dropped their leaves quickly. I think the drought stressed the trees.
Response: Thanks for your comments. I tried something new and, in retrospect, it didn't work out nearly as well as I had hoped. I should have spent less time trying to fix it and just written something else.
Response: I often do chuckle to myself, usually from the look on the face of the person I'm facing when it happens.
Response: I gave the vinyl to someone who molds them into fruit bowls and platters, with the labels still on them. They are fairly popular. People hang them on the wall. I just buy individual digital songs or albums. I haven't had trouble finding any old tune I wanted.
Response: When I go to the Cape, I tend to hike the trails in the many conservation areas. My favorite is the Mashpee River Reservation, from the Rt.28 / Quinaquisset Ave end. In the summer you will see Osprey.
Response: Then it would have to be really smart to go empty itself in the compost pile.
Response: Well here. Hope you are too. It was fun.
Response: Thanks. I try to write a little. My wife says I "like to hear myself write".
Response: Yes. the track. :-)
Response: Maybe not that weird. I've been back to that site five or six times and the same question is always there to begin with. If I click on "next question" it then comes up with random ones. I wonder how many people used that one.
Response: I know of two families who drive over twenty miles to Fogarty's once or twice a month. No one comes regularly from Texas though... that I know of.
Response: Thank you. I look forward to seeing yours.
Response: Thanks for your kind words. There are so many great Dr. Seuss quotes. My daughters, and now my granddaughter, love the Dr. Seuss books, as do I. Horton Hears A Who is my favorite.
Response: Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately, due to arthritis and recurring tendonitis, my writing letters by hand are behind me. I have to save my hand for postcards and notecards.
Response: My daughter is working on drinking 500 different craft beers. She will get there long before I get to 100 whiskeys.
Response: Yes, of all the things I'm not doing and having, its the hugs I miss the most.
Thank You,
Response: I only fly a couple times a year but did see a lightning storm from above once. "fascinating" is a good word for it.
Response: And also with you!
Response: And who's only devotion is to credits.
Response: You and she are very welcome. I enjoy crafting with my little buddies and like to encourage them and others.
Response: Thanks. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. At least with video-chatting she won't forget who we are.
Response: I hope that part doesn't change when this is over. We used to only V-chat about once a week.
Response: Rt. 6A is certainly a lovely drive. This is about the time I like visiting the most. The weather is getting reasonably nice and the crowds haven't descended yet.
Response: That seems odd. I wonder why. Now people will be hoarding postage stamps.
Response: Just make noise when outside at night. I sing. Black bear will usually go away if they know you are there.
Response: Yikes! Sorry for the duplication. I try hard not to do that. I 'lost' a part of my swap log, that first swap was probably there so didn't come up when I searched your user name in it.
Take good are off that young one.
Response: I have noticed that the swaps I do on a regular basis seem to have more participants since this started. Hope they all continue after its over.
Response: The "Mother Road" festival? I missed it by a day, several years ago, when my daughter lived in Illinois.
Response: Oh yes, the blacklight!
When that room is finished, I have another. Our younger daughter only put about half as many tacks in her walls.
Response: I wish they would do more to enforce it here. Take care!
Response: His whole life was like a novel.
Response: Just when I want them out there all the time, I have to bring the feeders in at night. A bear is roaming the neighborhood again. She bent my feeder pole the other night and broke into a neighbor's hen house. All hens are fine, Just looking for eggs, I guess.
Response: They are cute but, right now one is roaming the neighborhood at night.
She bent my feeder pole and broke into a neighbor's hen house. Hens are fine, just checking for eggs I guess.
Response: I think some degree of social-distancing will become the norm but I hope friends still hug.
Response: We video-chat every day so it isn't terrible. But I do want to hug her and tickle her and throw her up in the air.
Response: He probably has one, you just didn't see her. I have had multiple hummingbirds for several years now and only once had an 'unattached' female.
Response: I enjoy writing. sometimes to excess. :-)
Response: Yes. I have a slight seasonal cough. When I go to the grocery store, I've got a cough drop in my mouth, under that mask.
Response: Happy you could still read it. One of the pens I like to use, because it allows me to write quite small, would have run into a big black blob.
I think I have another like it. Message me if you would like me to resend.
Response: Thanks for your nice comments. I'll tell them you liked their work. Yes, her sister, but not older. they are triplets.(Actually, she is older, but only by five minutes)
Response: Soap it the big one. I have been washing my hands so much that I am lucky there is skin left.
Getting groceries is the worst. It takes my longer to clean and put things away than it did to shop for them.
Response: I'm hoping for a Michigan & Wisconsin road-trip soon. I have fond memories of the Ford Museum and of Frankenmouth from about 40 years ago.
Response: Always enjoy swapping with you. I find a few others are frequent Partners too. Must be that we are attracted to the same types of swaps.
Response: I most like real, solid books but I couldn't wait for the library to reopen so I downloaded it to my Kindle reader. I will start it as soon as I finish m current read.
Response: No problem. I don't check postmarks at the best of times.
I very much want to visit Seattle soon but this Covid. thing has us postponing two trips already and I'm not sure how soon we are going to be comfortable traveling by plane.
Response: I started walking at night many years ago. Exercise, out of summers heat, for myself and the dog. I quickly grew to prefer it, even when being cooler wasn't an issue.
Response: My grandmother learned to cook from an Italian neighbor. Amongst other dishes, Gram made a great zabaglione. She would serve it still a bit warm, with strawberries and whipped cream.
Response: G-G-Gram and Gramp ;iced into their 90's. They passed when I was in my early teens so I do remember them well.
Response: I haven't tried counting the chrysalis, but we do have a lot of Monarchs when they start 'hatching', if that is the correct word for their coming out.
Response: Thank You. I'm happy you enjoyed it.
Response: I enjoy the animated Ahsoka character. She reminds me very much of someone I knew a long time ago.
Response: They are fast. Wh see them often, at a distance. There is a rock outcropping outside Portsmouth (NH) harbor. Whenever we go out on our friend's boat, we go by there to see them.
Response: I suppose it isn't unusual for kids to be rebellious, but I was getting close to evil. I'm glad now that I got squared away then I did.
Response: Thank You. I haven't gotten any mail particularly late. It does seem the they save it up to deliver on Mondays though, I will get one or two... maybe three pieces all week and than get 10 to 18 on Monday. That has been going on since the past holiday season.
Response: Thanks. We did enjoy the trip but the temps were a bit warm for us New Englanders.
Response: They weren't the easiest of times but I wouldn't change it a bit.
Response: Yup. I had a well deserved reputation. I say that, if I live to be 100, I won't be able to make up for the karma I lost in my first 14 years.
Response: I have a lot of songs on my players that I don't understand. I get them from friends and swaps, mostly.
Response: I don't know that I can say I saved her life. The Lifeguard was on her way. I was just closer.
Response: I've done the same thing. Thing is, I swear I've seen it somewhere else.
Response: Happy you liked it. I do try to find something after looking at my Partner's profile.
Response: Thank you. I started wondering if I should have used glitter but it is well embedded in the paint.
Response: That would be gi==fine, if you wish.
Response: Thank You.
I have not. I am always on the lookout for strong female characters. Her other main car actors sound interesting too. I will look further into it.
Response: I sent the original PC on or about Sept. 12th and resent, after receiving your message, on Oct. 4th. I have had several PCs go missing, since the USPS opened their new ‘modern’ regional sorting facility, but never before a resend too.
I am emailing you photos of the fronts and backs of both cards. Please check that I had the correct address.
I will happily try the “charmed” third time. I do not flake on my swaps. I am (have been) proud of my “5” rating.
Response: I like that quote for its more broader meaning. I would never want to deny anyone their Fairies.
Response: I was talking with a long-time school Board member, after sending that letter, and she told me that it actually took almost seven years to iron out the agreement.
Response: Thanks! I love it.
My wife says I'm going to die out there. My response is 'What better place?"
Response: I think so too. It seems though that more and more emphasis is put on how to get a computer to do things for you than on knowing how to do it yourself.
Response: I have seen some of them in pictures and movies. I want to be able to investigate myself. Many look so lovely and interesting in both architecture and in their adornments.
Response: If you were around here now, you would have a good chance of seeing an Indigo Bunting. I have always been a bit of a birder and have noticed a gradual change in the variety we see here. I have also noticed, both at the feeders and in the forest, a marked decline in the number of songbirds in general.
Response: Okay... now I'm wondering what should have been G that is N.
Sorry about that.
1 - creepy or gross = Necrolysis of the epidermis. Horrible looking and potentially fatal.
2 - find in a classroom = Name tags, on that first day, or Name labels on desks.
3 - admire in other people = Nimbleness. I have always been a plodding klutz.
4 - do not want to hear = Nagging, though my wife and I disagree on what constitutes nagging.
5 - would like to receive = Nirvana. No, wait, I have to earn that myself. How about a Naology book. I love the architecture of religious structures.
1 - creepy or gross = Necrolysis of the epidermis. Horrible looking and potentially fatal.
2 - find in a classroom = Name tags, on that first day, or Name labels on desks.
3 - admire in other people = Nimbleness. I have always been a plodding klutz.
4 - do not want to hear = Nagging, though my wife and I disagree on what constitutes nagging.
5 - would like to receive = Nirvana. No, wait, I have to earn that myself. How about a Naology book. I love the architecture of religious structures.
1 - creepy or gross = Necrolysis of the epidermis. Horrible looking and potentially fatal.
2 - find in a classroom = Name tags, on that first day, or Name labels on desks.
3 - admire in other people = Nimbleness. I have always been a plodding klutz.
4 - do not want to hear = Nagging, though my wife and I disagree on what constitutes nagging.
5 - would like to receive = Nirvana. No, wait, I have to earn that myself. How about a Naology book. I love the architecture of religious structures.
1 - creepy or gross = Necrolysis of the epidermis. Horrible looking and potentially fatal.
2 - find in a classroom = Name tags, on that first day, or Name labels on desks.
3 - admire in other people = Nimbleness. I have always been a plodding klutz.
4 - do not want to hear = Nagging, though my wife and I disagree on what constitutes nagging.
5 - would like to receive = Nirvana. No, wait, I have to earn that myself. How about a Naology book. I love the architecture of religious structures.
1 - creepy or gross = Necrolysis of the epidermis. Horrible looking and potentially fatal.
2 - find in a classroom = Name tags, on that first day, or Name labels on desks.
3 - admire in other people = Nimbleness. I have always been a plodding klutz.
4 - do not want to hear = Nagging, though my wife and I disagree on what constitutes nagging.
5 - would like to receive = Nirvana. No, wait, I have to earn that myself. How about a Naology book. I love the architecture of religious structures.
Response: Sadly, there are things I haven't done right here in the town I've lived in for 35 years. I want to but keep thinking I'll have time later. That's how I missed out on two good chances to see The Beatles in concert... then they were gone.
Response: Not ideal, but happy. That's fine though. I'm sure I would find 'ideal' to be boring so, ideal wouldn't be ideal for me.
Response: You are correct. While all the officers were named in suites, none ever went beyond giving a preposition. Some people will try anything and name everyone for a buck.
"deposition" that is.
Response: I’m happy you enjoyed it. I had fun doing it. I am especially happy that I could help to get your Swap-bot journey off to a good start. You will have many amazing swaps here.
Response: I love to visit NYC. Museums, shows, food, and just people watching. Four or five days at a time is enough for me though. Its hectic, noisy, and filled with exhaust fumes.
Response: Thank you. I think so, but I'm biased.
Response: I'm happy you liked it. I'm not the craftiest person but I'm getting better all the time. :-)
Response: Yes. They are generally lovely buildings. I saw one torn down and av=bout cried but it was too delapitated to save.
Response: Thanks. I have some of the stamps. I have to get more before they are gone.
Response: A much better idea.
Response: This one got by me. I'll be looking for it. Thank you!
Response: When I was a child, Neils were few and far between. It is a much more common name now. I can think of four I know, all under 30 y.o.
Response: You may not have had your hands right in it but I'm sure you had your share of things that 'bothered' you. Thank you for your service.
Response: I hadn't thought about that it is sometimes nice to keep it uncomplicated... especially a background for other art.
Thank you and I will let you know.
Response: You are correct!
Thanks for your comments.
Response: I had no family in railroading. My love of it started when my father woke me up, late one night, when I was five and we drove to stand beside the tracks to watch (and feel) the last scheduled run of a steam engine on the B&M East End. I have no idea why he did that. He had no interest in trains. Perhaps he recognized it as a moment of history.
Response: The yellow jackets are a bit of a problem here, mostly in the fall. The past few years, I have been using the First Nature Hummingbird Feeder, about $5 at Walmart.They seem to have trouble getting to the nectar so don't bother them much.
Response: Perhaps we will. Next year though. We are already committed this year. I'm making a note in my tickler file. Thanks.
Response: I would love to hear from you. Any medium you like. I think I put a return address label on the envelope. If not, message me and I will give you my postal and email addresses..
Response: I got to writing the first one and forgot that I was supposed to be putting a quote on it. As it was all filled out and addressed, I couldn't see wasting it. :-)
Response: They can be loud at night but one gets used to them quickly, then they actually lull us to sleep.
Response: We didn't get much snow here. As a snowshoer, I wish we had gotten more. Temps have reached the 70's F here the past several days. It's early for that.
Response: Hope she is doing well.
Good luck with the dinner. I like to cook but have trouble making everything ready at the same time with big meals.
Response: She is. A fine job. Thank you.
Response: I agree. I at least 'like' all his work - love most of it - but, sometimes, the endings leave you wondering if there is going to be a sequel.
We are grateful but our little library isn't special in that respect. The S&T King foundation gives 3 to 4 million dollars a year to education, arts, fire departments, as well as libraries all over the state of Maine.
Response: So many involve children. It is said that the young ones are more sensitive to such things. I have never heard a credible story of a child - anyone really - being harmed by a 'ghost'.
Response: Thank you. I'm feeling better about it, now that all three have been received.
Response: I know that disappointment!
I love trains; photograph and video trains; always include train-watching when I travel.
Some of my best train-watching has been in the Chicago area and I am looking forward to our going back there next month.
Response: My granddaughter is loving Thomas and his friends right now.
I am going to send you a short email.
Response: Are we not all victims of 'Madison Avenue' propaganda? I know that half the stuff I buy I don't really need.
If it were not for parents selling the cookies at work, the Girl Scouts fundraiser would only earn about 10% of what it does. My body really doesn't need the cookies. I should just give them a cash donation.
Response: Well... most of us live through it (there has only been one EEE death in Maine in the past three years.) and the birds and bats need them for food.
Response: The Seashore Trolly Museum is about a 20 minute drive from my home. I have volunteered there.
Response: A good question that I had never considered. I like classical, especially baroque, and I love the sound of the harpsichord. It may be that I subconsciously associate it with her but I don't think that's the biggest part of it. She also played the clarinet quite well and I am not a big fan of that. I like the sounds of stringed instruments in general.
Response: Happy you enjoyed it. I worry that my answers are too long but people don’t have to read it all, I guess.
Response: She is more brave than most adults would be.
I just finished her book and gave it to the library. The waiting list for their two copies was over two months long. The third copy should cut that down a little. It is a very popular book.
Response: Terry Pratchette, yes! and Tanya Huff and Tom Holt. We will have to get together and rent a hall for our party!
Response: Happy that you liked it. Hope to 'see' you again soon.
Response: Thank You. I'm happy you liked it. I do try to personalize my swaps, as best I can. I guess I succeeded this time.
Virtually hugging back.
Response: Thanks. Happy that it arrived intact. I have only once before gotten a letter back from the USPS in a plastic bag, and that was work related.
Response: Yes! I learned a little German, for a trip there, and she is the only singer in German who I can understand her lyrics.
Response: I love Pink Floyd throughout their entire catalog. I like live tribute shows but it irks me that they are all based upon _The_Wall_, when there is so much more.
Response: Two weeks seems like a long time for mail between two addresses within the US but I have seen worse. :-)
Thanks for letting me know.
Response: I just ordered his _Books_of_Blood_ yesterday. It is three collections of his short horror stories. I just looked at a review of _Weaveworld_. It sounds interesting.
Response: Thank you. I'm happy you liked them.
Response: Thanks. Just wanted to be sure.
Response: Thanks for your reply. I think I would really miss the snow. :-)
Response: Ha! I'm usually good at seeing things like that but totally missed it.
Response: My Aunt did a whole lot more of the tracing than I did. I just assisted her. It took her, probably, thirty years.
Response: My pleasure. Glad she enjoyed it. Wishing you a rapid recovery,
Response: Thanks. I feel the same. It was very interesting to see what people choose to collect.
Response: Thanks for the tip. We do want to get back. It was an unplanned side trip at the end of our two weeks in the SW and was much too short a time in the beautiful city.
Response: I don't have a note indicating what card I sent to you. I'm sorry if I messed it up.
Response: Googled it. Sounds real good. The next time we visit our friends in Nashville, or find ourselves even deeper in Dixie, we will make a point of it.
Response: Thank you for the kind words.